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JDM Combe 2019 1/6/19


Here for life
South West
E51 Owner
Reaction score
First Name
South West
It was a great day last year, plenty going on

**Update club bookings now closed
Meeting point is at Morrisons cepen park Chippenham sn14 6uz @7:a.m we will aim to leave by 07:45 that gives times for tea/coffee fuel etc before we leave.
Pm me if you want my contact number for the day. But weather looks hot and should be a good 1.

List of confirmed members

1. @Daddyof4
2. @Claptrap
3. @Stempy
4. @Dai & Sally
5. @robtroi
6. @KevT
7. @Parentalnightmare
8. @Lisa-Marie and @Elementian
9. @Crazycraig
10. @Shore Campers
11. @Stumpy
12. @jamiecoysh
13. @OldPhil
14. @neil
15. @Snoo1540563548310.png
Last edited:
Revised date announced due to clashes
I'm in for JDM CC, Always wanted to do this one even before the Eli G
Info updated with booking details for the club, see the original post
Is it just me or is the ElrandOC not listed in the dropdown section yet?
Okay, cool, are we planning to book individually or all in one go... and does this mean that our cars will be entered into the 'show' for any judging etc


Not just you @Claptrap i couldn't find it either!!
Okay, cool, are we planning to book individually or all in one go... and does this mean that our cars will be entered into the 'show' for any judging etc

Not sure buddy.
Think last year they all booked individually, but perhaps we could look into doing a group booking if people would feel more comfortable that way. (Obviously we'd need to pay money upfront to book as don't think many of us are in a position to outlay it for everyone)
Really want to get to this, but as the date was changed its proving a bit more difficult, as its now on the weekend of my wife's bday. I'm pretty sure I can sweet talk my way around us still coming it just might cost me a bit more in compensation ;)
Thanks @RobP , all sounds good. I've never done a 'club' booking before, so this is all new to me, and I don't mind buying my own or paying someone else up front for them to do a block booking, whichever is the correct protocol :)

Good luck, maybe, just maybe... a special 'surprise' Birthday weekend away in the South West is on the cards in 2019 :)
Thanks @RobP , all sounds good. I've never done a 'club' booking before, so this is all new to me, and I don't mind buying my own or paying someone else up front for them to do a block booking, whichever is the correct protocol :)

Good luck, maybe, just maybe... a special 'surprise' Birthday weekend away in the South West is on the cards in 2019 :)
Will try and grab a word with @Daddyof4 tomorrow and see what they did last year, and how he wants to play it 👍

Haha not sure I could play the surprise card, as she's fully aware of the date change etc. So I'll just have to do some nice sweet gestures 😁
If somone does a block booking please message me and I'll pay into it, or if we do separate let me know you've booked please.