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Jap Show Finale, Santa Pod, 2nd October 2016

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The Boss
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North East
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North East
ElgrandOC attended both Jap Show's last year and we had our own club stand at the Finale in October. It would be great to get a stand together for both of them next year.

For those who don't know, Santa Pod is a drag strip. Jap Fest has an entertainment arena for people to watch professional drifters and other stunt shows, they have a show car area (show and shine) and a club stand area. They also offer a RWYB (Run What You Brung) event, which means you can take your car on the strip (I believe you get 3 or 4 runs for £40 - but please check).

Tickets are not yet available. You can either go for the weekend including camping, or just the day on the Sunday. If you add your name to the list, please state which you would like to do.

If there is enough interest for us to get a stand together for this event, tickets will be organised through the club. In this case, please add £0.50 to the total of your chosen ticket (whether weekend or just for the day) to cover admin fees for booking etc). Money will be sent to the organiser (to be determined) rather than you buying through the website.

If there is not enough interest and there is no club stand, you will be responsible for booking your own tickets, in which case you will have to pay the £3 booking fee each. Up to you really.


Do NOT add your name to the list if you have no intention of being there. These early lists are being set up so that we can decide whether or not to have a club stand at the event. If there is enough interest (10 people or more) then we will arrange a stand. Any less than that and anyone who wants to go can feel free to go together, but they will have to park in the public car park for the show.

1/ edduk (Eddie & Linda) (SUN) PAID
2/ BMR (Brian & Sue) (SUN) PAID
3/ kevmo_g (Kev) (SUN) PAID
4/ Clocky280 (Paul) (2 DAYS) PAID
5/ Rapper(Alan, Belinda, aiden) (2 DAYS) PAID
6/ Elgrand Kris (Kris) (SUN) GOT OWN TICKETS
7/ simjoh (Simon) (2 DAYS) PAID
8/ karlos (Karl & Catherine) (SUN) PAID
9/ Bigvern (Glen & Emma) (SUN) PAID
10/ Asbo (Adam) (SUN) PAID
I have today ordered a club stand for 10 Elgrands at this years Finals. NOTE. This year because they want us to pay for 1 ticket per vehicle space at the time of booking the spaces to be in the same place as last years Final we have moved into the Yellow section closer to the finish line still on the tarmac where we can pay for tickets later as I am not forking out £100 for you.. Your ticket cash should be paid to me by the 15th September 2016 so I can order your tickets (same as last year I will pay the £6 booking fee).
FIRST 10 ELGRANDS ONLY WILL BE GOING So get your name down early to avoid disappointment.
See above a few clubs were ordering 25 spaces close to the startline then turning up with 10 cars. This is the "official" reason for our move.
ElgrandOC attended both Jap Show's last year and we had our own club stand at the Finale in October. It would be great to get a stand together for both of them next year.

For those who don't know, Santa Pod is a drag strip. Jap Fest has an entertainment arena for people to watch professional drifters and other stunt shows, they have a show car area (show and shine) and a club stand area. They also offer a RWYB (Run What You Brung) event, which means you can take your car on the strip (I believe you get 3 or 4 runs for £40 - but please check).

Tickets are not yet available. You can either go for the weekend including camping, or just the day on the Sunday. If you add your name to the list, please state which you would like to do.

If there is enough interest for us to get a stand together for this event, tickets will be organised through the club. In this case, please add £0.50 to the total of your chosen ticket (whether weekend or just for the day) to cover admin fees for booking etc). Money will be sent to the organiser (to be determined) rather than you buying through the website.

If there is not enough interest and there is no club stand, you will be responsible for booking your own tickets, in which case you will have to pay the £3 booking fee each. Up to you really.


Do NOT add your name to the list if you have no intention of being there. These early lists are being set up so that we can decide whether or not to have a club stand at the event. If there is enough interest (10 people or more) then we will arrange a stand. Any less than that and anyone who wants to go can feel free to go together, but they will have to park in the public car park for the show.

1/ @Karl
2/ BMR (Brian & Sue) PAID
3/ kevmo_g (Kev) PAID
4/ Clocky280
5/robert turner
Robert turner come down to the japshow 7th july i think stand is full but a good weekend if you fancy it im camping sat night
Clocky if you go on the 7th July you will have plenty of room to yourself because thats a Thursday, the show is on 9th and 10th mate. Rob is booked on the stand on the 10th.
Can you put Belinda, Myself and Aiden (8 year old) down for this please, plus we will need camping as well.
I'm a definite. Will be camping also
can you put my name down on the list please
how much,is it per person or per car and who do we pay
cheers (sunday)
Karl, The tickets are per person and as follows.
Sunday only £12.50 Each Adult (Children under 13 Free).
Saturday and Sunday including camping £20.50 Each Adult (Children under 13 Free).
Payment should be sent to me so I can get the club discounted tickets which I will issue at the Poddington garden centre before we drive in on sunday morning (i will have to post tickets to those of you that are there for the 2 days so please include your address with the payment)
Payment should be made to my PayPal account and sent as friends or family otherwise i will get stung for paypal charges Please can I have payment by Monday 5th September
payment by PayPal to bmrautomotive@hotmail.com
Just send my payment for both me and Belinda and Aiden (8) were among sat/sun so will need tickets posting and have included address with PayPal payment.
For those who are camping on sat, I'm going to be camping over on the family area so as to get a good night's sleep. Hopefully see you there.
Paul, If you have paid I dont know who you have paid it to because its not hit my PayPal account as of 10 PM Friday 19th, If you paid can you check it out mate.
Is the family camping definitely available at this? If so might be tempted, last time I got there and was told it wasn't an option... no sleep at all was the alternative. On my own this would be fair enough but not again with the child!
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