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The Boss
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North East
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North East
Guys, Jap show is edging ever close and with it being a weekend show, we need to know what's what and keep organised.

To cover off all the essential information, please read through and familiarise yourself with the rules, they can be found in the link below:

For those who are staying for the weekend, please remember that Santa Pod is a GLASS FREE venue. This means that you are NOT allowed to have glass bottles of any kind whilst at the show. If you are bringing alcohol, please ensure beer/cider etc are in cans, wine is in boxes and spirits are pre-mixed or decanted into plastic bottles.

The first time @Pippa and I stayed at Pod for the weekend, no one checked the car. The second time, however, we were searched. It's pot luck as to whether or not you'll get in without a search, so better safe than sorry - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Now as for preparation... there will be a club communal BBQ for you all to use. So if you want to bring some food, feel free to use this. It will be available for use on both Saturday and Sunday, but bear in mind it needs to be switched off and cleaned before it goes anywhere near my Elgrand for transport back home.

The BBQ is now a gas one, so there is no need to bring charcoal or wood to help keep it going. This goes against my personal preference of a charcoal BBQ, but they are cleaner to transport, and unless someone wants to volunteer to take a dirty charcoal BBQ away and bring it back to the next weekend camping show, this is the way we will go.

BRING SUN CREAM! At Jap Show last year I got burnt pretty badly on my legs and face. Based on the current weather forecast, it's looking to be a hot weekend, and not only do you have the sun glaring down at you, the heat reflects off the shiny cars and the tarmac floor that you'll be walking around on. So be safe and prepared.

That said, ensure you bring appropriate clothing for rain, just in case... it might be set to be scorching, but at the drop of a hat it could be snowing. Never know any more.

Bring seating! On Saturday there isn't MUCH going on in terms of entertainment other than watching cars on the strip. So we'll mostly be spending the afternoon/evening sitting around and enjoying one another's company. Being the one without a chair is awful. If you have a spare, I would ask you to bring one, just for the community spirit, because undoubtedly, someone will forget and then at least they have an option to be able to sit down.

THIS IS A MOTOR CAR EVENT. There WILL be engine revving, exhaust popping and smoking tyres (although the smoking tyres will be on the track only). The engine revving SHOULD quieten down once we get into the evening on Saturday, but will be in full force during the day on Sunday. It's never been too much of an issue for me, but just please be aware that this will not be a quiet camping weekends in the woods.

If anyone would like to bring communal supplies, please post in here so that we know. Last year we had @Cliff goodwin provide a gormet feast for everyone (which is NOT expected by the way), but to save the food going to waste, we all put on about 2 stone. If there are any communal supplies on offer, it means that individuals don't have to pack as much and prevents wastage, so it's always good to know this information up front.

There looks to be TWENTY FOUR of us camping over the weekend which is not only more than we've ever had on a stand at pod, but the most we've had overnight outside of JAE. It's going to be a cracking event, and it'll be great to catch up with old friends and make some new ones. If anyone has any questions about the event, ask in here and someone who has been before (not necessarily me) will answer. It's better to ask in advance than end up in a sticky mess.

And just forewarning... @RobP, @BeckyP, @Pippa and myself all seem to have a magic cut off which is 4am. I'll try and keep the singing of popular Disney songs at 2am to an absolute minimum.

Looking forward to seeing you all :D
Guys, Jap show is edging ever close and with it being a weekend show, we need to know what's what and keep organised.

To cover off all the essential information, please read through and familiarise yourself with the rules, they can be found in the link below:

For those who are staying for the weekend, please remember that Santa Pod is a GLASS FREE venue. This means that you are NOT allowed to have glass bottles of any kind whilst at the show. If you are bringing alcohol, please ensure beer/cider etc are in cans, wine is in boxes and spirits are pre-mixed or decanted into plastic bottles.

The first time @Pippa and I stayed at Pod for the weekend, no one checked the car. The second time, however, we were searched. It's pot luck as to whether or not you'll get in without a search, so better safe than sorry - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Now as for preparation... there will be a club communal BBQ for you all to use. So if you want to bring some food, feel free to use this. It will be available for use on both Saturday and Sunday, but bear in mind it needs to be switched off and cleaned before it goes anywhere near my Elgrand for transport back home.

The BBQ is now a gas one, so there is no need to bring charcoal or wood to help keep it going. This goes against my personal preference of a charcoal BBQ, but they are cleaner to transport, and unless someone wants to volunteer to take a dirty charcoal BBQ away and bring it back to the next weekend camping show, this is the way we will go.

BRING SUN CREAM! At Jap Show last year I got burnt pretty badly on my legs and face. Based on the current weather forecast, it's looking to be a hot weekend, and not only do you have the sun glaring down at you, the heat reflects off the shiny cars and the tarmac floor that you'll be walking around on. So be safe and prepared.

That said, ensure you bring appropriate clothing for rain, just in case... it might be set to be scorching, but at the drop of a hat it could be snowing. Never know any more.

Bring seating! On Saturday there isn't MUCH going on in terms of entertainment other than watching cars on the strip. So we'll mostly be spending the afternoon/evening sitting around and enjoying one another's company. Being the one without a chair is awful. If you have a spare, I would ask you to bring one, just for the community spirit, because undoubtedly, someone will forget and then at least they have an option to be able to sit down.

THIS IS A MOTOR CAR EVENT. There WILL be engine revving, exhaust popping and smoking tyres (although the smoking tyres will be on the track only). The engine revving SHOULD quieten down once we get into the evening on Saturday, but will be in full force during the day on Sunday. It's never been too much of an issue for me, but just please be aware that this will not be a quiet camping weekends in the woods.

If anyone would like to bring communal supplies, please post in here so that we know. Last year we had @Cliff goodwin provide a gormet feast for everyone (which is NOT expected by the way), but to save the food going to waste, we all put on about 2 stone. If there are any communal supplies on offer, it means that individuals don't have to pack as much and prevents wastage, so it's always good to know this information up front.

There looks to be TWENTY FOUR of us camping over the weekend which is not only more than we've ever had on a stand at pod, but the most we've had overnight outside of JAE. It's going to be a cracking event, and it'll be great to catch up with old friends and make some new ones. If anyone has any questions about the event, ask in here and someone who has been before (not necessarily me) will answer. It's better to ask in advance than end up in a sticky mess.

And just forewarning... @RobP, @BeckyP, @Pippa and myself all seem to have a magic cut off which is 4am. I'll try and keep the singing of popular Disney songs at 2am to an absolute minimum.

Looking forward to seeing you all :D

you know you will be passed out and carried to your bed fella....its highlight of the show seeing you wasted the next morning lol

That being said I may or may not be drinking this time, but will bring anything I am bringing in plastic bottles and cans anyway

Also......Any convoys planned or group meeting spot nearby to roll in together?
Also......Any convoys planned or group meeting spot nearby to roll in together?

These will need to be arranged locally for those travelling to the show. There is no set time to be there on Saturday, so no need for a central meeting point :)
These will need to be arranged locally for those travelling to the show. There is no set time to be there on Saturday, so no need for a central meeting point :)


Will post in Region then

so excited....and scared people gonna hate on smokey all over again
Who's hated on it before now? If I find anyone hating on ANYONE's car, they'll be swiftly removed from the club. That's not what we're about.
4am 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I will be well asleep by then
Who's hated on it before now? If I find anyone hating on ANYONE's car, they'll be swiftly removed from the club. That's not what we're about.

First year the haters were out in full force.

I just got drunk and ignored them....never seen them at another meet since lol
First year the haters were out in full force.

I just got drunk and ignored them....never seen them at another meet since lol

Were they members of EOC? If so, are they people who have since been removed? If not, I'll be doing some hunting...
Were they members of EOC? If so, are they people who have since been removed? If not, I'll be doing some hunting...

They were EOC

I honestly have no idea user names or even real names...never seen before or since lol

All good...each to their own lol
As a note to everyone, if anyone is negative towards you or your Elgrand at an EOC meet/show... let me know. Instant banning offence if the conversation is not in jest.
Well here's my input, I'm very much looking forward to it, will be drinking a considerable amount less than last time lol, I will however be bringing plenty of homemade burgers, chicken kebabs and some meaty ribs and anything else that takes my fancy, oh and of course the homemade chili for the dirty burgers, I will make sure there's plenty to go around for those who want it.

And @E51ZRider the Elgrand I'll be bringing is quite rough but I really don't give 2 shits what people think or say and neither should you.

So see u all there and bring your hungry bellies 😉
Awesome, you'll have a brand new BBQ to cook on, picking it up the week before the show :)
Awesome, you'll have a brand new BBQ to cook on, picking it up the week before the show :)
Excellent, and I have a trick or two to make it taste like the real thing
Well here's my input, I'm very much looking forward to it, will be drinking a considerable amount less than last time lol, I will however be bringing plenty of homemade burgers, chicken kebabs and some meaty ribs and anything else that takes my fancy, oh and of course the homemade chili for the dirty burgers, I will make sure there's plenty to go around for those who want it.

And @E51ZRider the Elgrand I'll be bringing is quite rough but I really don't give 2 shits what people think or say and neither should you.

So see u all there and bring your hungry bellies 😉

Sounds good fella

I took first couple to heart but rest ignored.....harder sometimes but its history.

See you all in few weeks
Copious amounts of alcohol ✅
Singing voice ✅
Hungry belly ✅
Laughter and fun ✅
Meeting good friends old and new ✅
Staying up till the early hours ✅

Looks like I'm all sorted 😁😁😁😁😁
See you all there 👍🍻👍🍻👍🍻👍
Copious amounts of alcohol ✅
Singing voice ✅
Hungry belly ✅
Laughter and fun ✅
Meeting good friends old and new ✅
Staying up till the early hours ✅

Looks like I'm all sorted 😁😁😁😁😁
See you all there 👍🍻👍🍻👍🍻👍

Rob...one extra for you

an understanding wife who puts up with you....and you got that too

Oh and some filler and paint for the inevitable repairs.....
I will be in bed way before the Disney songs kick off :innocent: