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E51 Owner
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Notts / Derby border area.
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With a couple of things cropping up in the club over the last few days I am wondering if its going to be worth all my time and effort organising the club stand this year for The Jap Show and Jap Show Finals at Santa Pod. I don't think some people realise the time taken to try and drum up support, organise the club stands, collect in the cash for the tickets, and post out the tickets and car passes.
If you genuinely want to attend these shows as a club and I get enough support I will sort it out but without at least 15 GENUINE people wanting to go its just not worth my effort, so if you 100% want to go let me know on here.
What dates are they Brian.
With a couple of things cropping up in the club over the last few days I am wondering if its going to be worth all my time and effort organising the club stand this year for The Jap Show and Jap Show Finals at Santa Pod. I don't think some people realise the time taken to try and drum up support, organise the club stands, collect in the cash for the tickets, and post out the tickets and car passes.
If you genuinely want to attend these shows as a club and I get enough support I will sort it out but without at least 15 GENUINE people wanting to go its just not worth my effort, so if you 100% want to go let me know on here.
I’ve got a project car in it’s early stages but yes I’m hoping to do as many jap shows with it in the summer
Yes for us for the first date possible for the second :)

Always do a cracking job sorting this out Brian but totally understand if it's too much trouble
Yes to both dates please. I usually like to commit closer to the dates to be sure something else hasn't cropped up but I'm sure I can put anything else off :D

Are there some aspects I/others can help with?
As @Lize kindly messaged me directly about this I will say 50/50 right now

I would love to but need to check nothing else booked ....if nothing then ill say yes and book my ticket etc, and if anxiety kicks in too much I will not attend but hand my ticket on to another member….
@Pippa and I will endeavour to be there for both. Plus Yakushi in Sep.

Just trying to get my year planned out with the changes that are coming. But we'll commit to both Jap Shows now and deal with the details later.
I would like to do one of the jap shows and Yakushi. It’s just a little early for me to commit as I need to know the wife’s shifts etc. For child care over the weekends.
Id like to make one of the later ones @BMR . Already have plans for the 6th june but either yakushi or the finals i will look at once i start new job in feb and should have alot more flexibility with booking hols than i currently have
will definitely be attending as local to me and a great get together
all you work and effort is very much appreciated thanks Brian
With a couple of things cropping up in the club over the last few days I am wondering if its going to be worth all my time and effort organising the club stand this year for The Jap Show and Jap Show Finals at Santa Pod. I don't think some people realise the time taken to try and drum up support, organise the club stands, collect in the cash for the tickets, and post out the tickets and car passes.
If you genuinely want to attend these shows as a club and I get enough support I will sort it out but without at least 15 GENUINE people wanting to go its just not worth my effort, so if you 100% want to go let me know on here.
Looking to attend Santa Pod but can only do the Sunday so would we still be able to join in on the Club Stand.
Possible for both. Looking into sleeping arrangements