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Thinking of buying this Elgrand, PICTURES inside (check condition)

Ian Jones

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Yeah, mine was high (£13K) with the list of options on it, but I wasn't particularly looking for cruise. It just had it. I was primarily looking for one in good condition with a 360 camera, 3.5L and curtains and service history. Mine had about 72K miles on it, so you're got a decent bit less than that as well.
in the pics, i can see a little surface rust, do you think that it will be about as bad as it gets, or could the inner skins be covered?
If you mean the odd rust dot in some of the underneath photos, I've got an MX-5, not driven in the salt or rain, 5 years old and 15K miles and it don't look 1/2 as good as that underneath
hi all, how do you think the condition please. This is what it looks like under.

2008, 29.000 miles

what do you think please?

NE51-261139 (43) by Ian Jones, on Flickr

NE51-261139 (44) by Ian Jones, on Flickr

NE51-261139 (45) by Ian Jones, on Flickr

NE51-261139 (46) by Ian Jones, on Flickr

NE51-261139 (47) by Ian Jones, on Flickr

NE51-261139 (48) by Ian Jones, on Flickr

NE51-261139 (49) by Ian Jones, on Flickr

NE51-261139 (50) by Ian Jones, on Flickr
I'm no expert...but that looks like the underside of an Elgrand to me...😉🤣
Looks very clean to me, I can’t see any underseal protection though, so that needs doing, have any of the cats been decored?

Nice to have full size spare too.
the garage will give it a full service and decore the rear cats, I will get the underseal done with the items that I like, prob do it myself with lanoguard and built hamber products
Very low mileage for its age, which means it could be on its original/very old hence cracking tyres. Worth checking the driveshaft gaiters - on my 4wd they looked OK but failed MOT since split all the way round - not easily visible since under compression. Brake discs may be rusty if it has been stood around a lot, also battery old/not that good. As ever I recommend clear wax underseal so you can keep an eye on what's going on underneath it. No obvious steering wheel and trim leather wear which helps support the low mileage.
the dates on the tyres are from 2020, so around 4 years old, still worth checking at the viewing. when i look at a car, I like to give them a good looking over/test. take a torch etc with me. I am waiting back for the car vx report that I have done.