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THE JAP SHOW(Santa Pod 9th July 2017)

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E51 Owner
E51 Expert
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Notts / Derby border area.
First Name
Hi we usually book 10 Elgrand spaces in the pits area at the UKs number 1 drag race strip for The Jap Show, I need a show of hands for those interested in a day out watching Jap drag cars, Jet cars, Drift car displays, Stunt displays with loads going off all the time. If you have children they will love it. Prices are £14.50 per Adult which includes a small charge for booking for the Sunday or if you want to make a weekend of it its £22.50 per Adult inc the camping charge. Kids under 13 are free.
As per the last 2 years first to book gets the place so don't hang about and all moneys have to be paid to me by my birthday the 23rd June otherwise the prices go up.

1)- BMR (Sue & Brian - I will try not to sprain my ankle this year) (PAID)
2)- Paul McKeown (PAID)
3)- KARLOS (Karl & Mrs) (PAID)
4)- Paul Bailey (PAID)
5)- Clocky Paul (1 Adult + child under 13) Sat / Sun Camping. (PAID)
6)- Rapperfrapper (2 Adults + 8yo) Sat / Sun Camping. (PAID)
7)- Azbo (1 Adult + 2 kids) (PAID)
8)- Lewis Phillips (PAID)
9)- mikeb4x4 (1 Adult) Sat/Sun Camping. (PAID)
10)- Absolution (2 Adults + 1 Child) Sunday. (PAID)

im in again brian will be camping again will pay soon
stick me down Brian +mrs m
Can you put me down please Brian, 4 adults, not sure if we're camping yet, cheers
Stick us down Brian kidz have been pestering me about going back again with all there toys
hi Brian
could you put me down for 2 adults camping.
thanks xx
Hi Brian one adult and Camping please
Has the last space been taken or is it still available for purchasing? :D
I will post updates as i get them, and will let you all know when payment is required and will need post addresses for those of you going for the 2 days as you wont get in without your tickets.
Mike Bailey
69 Hassall road Alsager S o T st7 2hp
OK Guy, This is the final line up for the Club Stand at the Pod on July 9th.

GEORGE322 and Nathan Totney have been removed from the line up due to not replying to messages on here and the facebook page twice so i have no confidence we will get paid for the places or they will turn up. The spaces have been taken by Paul McKeown and Paul Bailey, welcome onbord guys.
Hiya Brian. The post that was put on here on 3rd Feb (im in again brian will be camping again will pay soon) was not put there by me. It was done at the time when there was a bit of a problem with posts appearing in the wrong names. Whoever did the post was obviously there last year so it definitely wasn't me.
I hope you have a really good time everyone.
Thanks for clearing that up George, I was unsure wether we had this problem, I took an executive decision to remove your name as I was sure if you had put your name down you would have answered the questions i had posted. Thanks again.
There are 2 sets of information one for the guys that are going for the 2 days and camping and the other for the guys going for the day on sunday

Alan M
Mike B
Paul McL
Paul B

I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE and will post off your tickets which you will need to get in when you turn up on Saturday and for your camping, I will also send you a mirror hanger that will need filling in to get into the Club Stand area in the pits on sunday morning, please make sure you fill it in and hang it on your mirror before you attempt to get into the pits area otherwise the car park attendents have orders to shoot on sight.

Lewis A
Adam L
Karl M
Mark H
Paul McK

I have been in contact with Podington Garden Centre, High Street, Podington NN29 7HS this morning and have cleared it with "THE MANAGEMENT" for us to meet up at 9.00 AM sunday 9th in their car park, those of you that have been before know where it is and we are planning to roll the final couple of miles to Santa Pod in convoy by 9.30.
I will hand out screen hangers and tickets before we move off, please bring a pen with you to fill your hanger out.

Now all we need is good weather and sorry guys not even I have any influence on that
Hi just a, heads up for those guys going on Saturday and camping overnight, I will be attempting to camp on what's called "the family area" which is on opposite side of the track from the side you enter, and is accessible by driving around the rear of the track. It's a first come, first served basis and I ended up having to get into a heated discussion with the santa pod staff but got on the area eventually. It's a quiet spot away from the fun fair area, and is a must if you want a good night's sleep, plus it's closer to the club stand so easier to get too on Sunday morning.
I'll be meeting up with Paul Mclaughlin (clocky280) on the way down on M6, happy to meet up with other two if there interested.
Hope to see you all there.
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