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South East South Coast Surrey Sojourn - Sunday 9th May


The French Connection
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Well it's about time to start planning a May meet so thought we could spread our wings a little and head north for Guildford.

I'm suggesting we rendezvous at Newlands Corner car park which has stunning views over the surrounding countryside. There's a cafe and toilets too.

It'll give the south coasters a bit of a blast and the northern contingent a lie in. Google maps https://goo.gl/maps/VudDaF3n6zUqhp9S7 .
Anyone know if overnight camping is allowed? Can't see anything about it on their website?
Anyone know if overnight camping is allowed? Can't see anything about it on their website?
I'm not sure, I would say not but you'd need to give the local council a call or email.

I did check it out today and it was full at around 2pm, but that's only to be expected with the weather and the recent lifting of restrictions.
The parking fees are currently suspended for a while and the notice boards are all empty, refurb of toilets underway but there are temp toilets, large car park about 1/2 full today, probably chockers at the weeekend's so we will probably be ok if the meet starts at the usual 1000 hrs. Cafe is open for the usual array of butty's, snacks, brews and more important there is a whippy ice cream machine. It is National Trust and there are currently no notices to say that you can/can't overnight, it is open as a car park 24 hours, the facilities are not.

However, it is known as a hotspot for dogging afterdark, so that may deter casual campers:grinning:

Edit: Afterthough, I am not speaking about personal experience, just quoting the most popular dogging sites in Surrey guide, totally shocked to also find that there is one half mile away from uso_O
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Ok, thanks for the info re camping - or not as the case may be!

Plan would be to come down Saturday night and camp over in the van now it's been converted. Anyone with better local knowledge
suggest a spot please???
I intend to do a recce later today and will find out about camping.

As an aside, I have a Kenwood DPX-7100DAB, not that old which I had in my Merc. It's almost new and I am happy to bring to the meet if anyone is interested, the price is reasonable (bacon butty and cup of tea), you can read the spec yourselves but I would add that it does not support Carplay, but I believe you might be able to get a dongle (?) to overcome that. Anyway it's there gathering dust in the box if anyone wants it.

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I have pmd you but this answers my question! Would be interested definitely, although it may mean me driving up with a big hole in the dashboard with bits missing! 😂
Ok, thanks for the info re camping - or not as the case may be!

Plan would be to come down Saturday night and camp over in the van now it's been converted. Anyone with better local knowledge
suggest a spot please???


about 5 miles away from new lands corner if that helps? 😊