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Shaped bed/seat foam

I'd have walked.
Messing you about, what sounds like incompetence, and now hiking the price.
I'd have laughed and said I'll try to find a professional.
Sometimes things happen, it's not the end of the world, they are still cheaper than I can buy 2 slabs of foam to do DIY job of the cutting, they've been fine to deal with so far 😁 and they are local.
We have foam 😁

Just got it dropped off tonight, had a trial fit and it kinda fits like I thought, it's fine from the seat joint to the foot rest, needs another pad adding for the bit between the lumbar supports.

This I was prepared for as it's not a simple straight shape, I was aiming for it to follow the side profile of that part of the seat which it does.

It looks to be a slightly head raised sleeping position but that's better than the other way 😂

Will get a pic tomorrow, then need to get some foam to cut which if I had the sense I would have ordered at the same time dohhh, marvelous thing hindsight 🤔
Took me a couple of attempts to get the foam right, had to stick it back together with aerosol contact adhesive and re-shape.
When finished, I covered it with black pallet wrap cling film to stop dust and make it look better.
Yes it’s a bit head-up but often a site has a bit of a slope and you can park appropriately to level. If you didn’t have this heads up, you couldn’t adjust,like this.
They're actually surprisingly firm (I also have back issues and like a firm mattress)
So here is the foam in its natural habitat, but slow in pics, life's a pain for getting in the way of things, more to follow once I've taken them 😂


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I sleep differently, I don’t swivel the seat and made three separate foams using reconstituted foam as it is more resilient.
My head is to the rear.
We have foam 😁

Just got it dropped off tonight, had a trial fit and it kinda fits like I thought, it's fine from the seat joint to the foot rest, needs another pad adding for the bit between the lumbar supports.

This I was prepared for as it's not a simple straight shape, I was aiming for it to follow the side profile of that part of the seat which it does.

It looks to be a slightly head raised sleeping position but that's better than the other way 😂

Will get a pic tomorrow, then need to get some foam to cut which if I had the sense I would have ordered at the same time dohhh, marvelous thing hindsight 🤔
Did you get any pics of this? Interested in trying something similar. What dimensions did you use and who did you order from? I'll order locally if I can but always good to have an alternative.
Mine's much more basic: Pillows in the dips, then a Panda mattress topper over that, a 13.5 tog quilt over that to add a touch further cushioning. Sleep on that lot. I've only done it once thus far, granted. It;s hardly the Ritz, but fine for a night.
I leave this set up perma in these 'summer' months, so it isn't any hassle setting it up.
Did you get any pics of this? Interested in trying something similar. What dimensions did you use and who did you order from? I'll order locally if I can but always good to have an alternative.
I've not had a chance to do anything with them I will get some pics taken
Did you get any pics of this? Interested in trying something similar. What dimensions did you use and who did you order from? I'll order locally if I can but always good to have an alternative.
So this is it in place, it's fairly heads up but Its the bolster sides not helping with that, I've marked one side to follow the profile of the seat, I may make a template first, then I need to either make a hot wire cutter or but one or butcher it 😂


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Have you done two of these and left the centre? I'd quite like something to use either as a double spanning the centre or two singles (which yours looks like).
Have you done two of these and left the centre? I'd quite like something to use either as a double spanning the centre or two singles (which yours looks like).
2 I wanted the space in-between for some space for feet and the tea/wine table 😁
2 I wanted the space in-between for some space for feet and the tea/wine table 😁
Sit rep, looks like a smurf murder scene.....

Started shaping the driver's side, foam cutter turned up it helped getting the big chunks out then I reverted to grinder with flappy disc.

Sitting much flatter and almost no dip on the top half, will need more sanding to get it to where I'm happy.

Made some card templates for the bolsters and transferred outlines to foam then started with the smurf disintegration


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Electric carving knife is a clean way to cut foam.