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Santapod replacement 2nd 3rd 4th october

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I'm still waiting for a couple of the usual names to pipe up and be added to the list, will be a little disappointed if they don't...
I would guess that anyone that booked Sadda Pod should be turning up. And maybe more as better site for families!
As club meets are still not allowed, individual booking can circumvent that rule as long as we all end up in the same area? Just guessing as the rules change every day!
I would guess that anyone that booked Sadda Pod should be turning up. And maybe more as better site for families!
As club meets are still not allowed, individual booking can circumvent that rule as long as we all end up in the same area? Just guessing as the rules change every day!
You would think 🤔
Let's do this. Get me & @Pippa on the list.
We'll contact and book our plots probably for Fri/Sat night to return Sunday.

Will need to organise equipment etc like Marquees/BBQ and look at bringing a Genny if there is no Elec hookup.

We are not geared up for proper camping, so as long as all amenities are available for use and access is good, then we're game :)
Let's do this. Get me & @Pippa on the list.
We'll contact and book our plots probably for Fri/Sat night to return Sunday.

Will need to organise equipment etc like Marquees/BBQ and look at bringing a Genny if there is no Elec hookup.

We are not geared up for proper camping, so as long as all amenities are available for use and access is good, then we're game :)
About time you showed up 😂😂😂
I will get all your payments for the Jap No Show Finals sent back this weekend, this month has been hectic for me and on top of all the work i get stupid questions fired at me about Elgrands that if they did a bloody search on here they would find the answer. Oh well i guess its the price of fame.
I will get all your payments for the Jap No Show Finals sent back this weekend, this month has been hectic for me and on top of all the work i get stupid questions fired at me about Elgrands that if they did a bloody search on here they would find the answer. Oh well i guess its the price of fame.
Hey no rush buddy, this is gonna be a bloody good meet regardless of Santa Pod, let's make it awesome, there may not be rocket cars or live music, (apart from my Elvis impersonation) stalls selling goods etc, but you can be sure there will be a lot of elgrands and people with the same interests wanting to chat, eat and drink and be merry, and one thing is for sure, there will be lots and lots of good food and kindred...
I'm a busy man these days bud. I thought being full time self employed would give me some life back... Oh how wrong I was.
You would be complaining if you were not busy 😂
Might have to find out if we can put a Marquee up and if we have to pay extra for it.
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