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Modified Nationals '24 28-30 June

I'm not sure depends how far away it is, I could possibly put it on the stand on the Saturday but not on the Sunday as I'll have to be loaded up before 5pm bit of a long drive for me , I'll have to think about it
If I can disconnect my awning without issue I'll drive to and from the stand, don't judge Ariana though she needs a bit of cosmetic work (not unlike her owner) 🤣🤣🤣
Don't worry we don't judge! We're just happy meeting up with fellow owners.
Plus they'll be plenty to assist if you need help attaching and disconnecting your awning 👍
Be fine to put our car on the stand.I suppose that we will still be able to sit back at the camping area to have a break during the day 👍
Be fine to put our car on the stand.I suppose that we will still be able to sit back at the camping area to have a break during the day 👍
Of course... it's a secure camp site so leave chairs, tables, awnings etc there and the main club marquee will be there...

Just bounce between clubstand and campsite as you please :)
It’s called a drive away awning for a reason 🤣
🤣🤣. I know but the one and only time I tried to put up the awning didn't go so well, the force 10 gale that raged during the night didn't help 🤣🤣. With the pop top there doesn't seem to be enough metal for the magnetic strip. Fingers crossed for second time lucky 🤞🏼🤞🏼
I put mine up for the first time last year... it was a disaster and as some may know I don't play well with tents etc lol

But once it was eventually up it was lovelly to have...

Taking down was also a pain.

I'm now having second thoughts about an awning 😂

Hi. Am I too late to book for this?
Not at all :)
Any body else going from the isle of wight? Would really appreciate a little boot space as can't fit everything in for cooking with configuration I have to have