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E52 service manual


Active Newbie
E52 Owner
South East
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South East
I would like to get my hand on an English service manual for by 2012 E52 3.5l

There seems to be a fair amount on eBay to download but I'm not sure if they are any good.

Has anyone bought one and if so was it OK?

Thanks in advance
Have a good look around I downloaded a complete and very detailed manual for free but can't remember where from , I'll have a look when I can get to my laptop .
Just thought when you get your 10 posts in or premium membership look in the E52 technical section couple of manuals in there plus other useful info
Thanks, I did have a little look but couldn't see anything specific for mine. That said I didn't dive too far.

I'll have a look tonight online for a freebie and delve into the technical forum... I might have been a bit lazy!
You can find US Nissan Quest manuals for free on the internet. Quest is the US name for Elgrand. Most of the things would be the same, but some specs/features are different.
There have been links put up here a few times
I keep a set here - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15Dm0wiBZNL3Pz8-6vJaK64OEiRxDWPxG?usp=sharing
Look under "Service Manuals - Elgrand is same as quest (US version)"
The 2014 folder is most complete (more parts of the manual extracted)
Start with the document called fwd.pdf which is the master index. From here you can get the links to the other files
eg DEF for defogger
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