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Devils Dust


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First mention of a bit of frost down here in the South Wales valleys and the councils have their gritters out spreading our mortal enemy "Devils Dust" commonly known as rock salt :mad:🤬😡
Absolutely no need yet surely !!!!!
Yip gritters are bad, but the ones with tanks as- well, (fluid they add to grit for lower temp) kill every piece of metal that is not protected, get into the brake slides, which you can never get rid.
So I just park up, stick with the daily, not worth the damage
I'm literally crying now. I hate many things about the way this country is operated but salting roads.... Utter madness.
There's a definite mentality in the UK of "we've always done it this way, we're not for changing" 😡
Is it true, the faster they go, the faster they flick ?

Nasty feeling seeing a Gritter coming towards you on a 50mph zone and you can't do anything other than get splattered.
I once went out at work on a job with a previous Guvnor , I was driving when he suddenly said - “ That wagon in front is shedding its it load, stop it. “ I said its a fucking Gritter boss.
Yip gritters are bad, but the ones with tanks as- well, (fluid they add to grit for lower temp) kill every piece of metal that is not protected, get into the brake slides, which you can never get rid.
So I just park up, stick with the daily, not worth the damage
The Elgrand is my daily, I can hear it fizzing away already :(
Is it true, the faster they go, the faster they flick ?

Nasty feeling seeing a Gritter coming towards you on a 50mph zone and you can't do anything other than get splattered.
One minute lovely, shiny paintwork, next minute.....
Is that the Mini Cooper of “ Bangers and Cash “
I got pebble dashed by one at 14:30 this afternoon!!🤬
I'm literally crying now. I hate many things about the way this country is operated but salting roads.... Utter madness.
There's a definite mentality in the UK of "we've always done it this way, we're not for changing" 😡
I got pebble dashed by one at 14:30 this afternoon!!🤬
I "pebble-dashed" myself tonight when I braked too late 🤣
It's all a ploy buy the government to rot all the petrol and diesel cars so you have to go electric.
And then all the Electric cars go rusty and you have to buy hydrogen ones which only exhaust water. This makes the roads more icy which means they need more gritting and make the hydrogen cars rust early. By which time we are all forced to buy flying cars for which you need a pilots licence and a very expensive training course... kerchiing
Personal drones will be the future. No pilots licence as they will be entirely automated. No need for any salt then.
If I was in charge there would be no gritters.
Then again, there would be no speed limits, no traffic lights, definitely no speed bumps.
The roads would be a testing ground for the human spirit. Only the very fittest would survive.
Oh salt salt .. how many Nissans have you eaten .... We sprinkle with a mixture of ordinary table salt and sand. It turns out an incredible porridge that sticks to the arches and thresholds and eats the car and, by the way, shoes too)
But in Moscow, for example, sprinkled with chemical reagents. and they eat a car much faster, even Toyota, which are much better than Nissan in terms of anti-corrosion properties (this applies to cars of the golden era of the 80s and 90s), now it seems to me that all cars are made of foil)
Personal drones will be the future. No pilots licence as they will be entirely automated. No need for any salt then.
I've got a little drone, cost me £10 for a CAA license
In general, the secret of anticorrosive from the times of the USSR, to protect arches and thresholds and hard-to-reach cavities, is to mix cannon fat with bituminous mastic and cover inside the arches, thresholds. If possible, this mixture can be heated and poured into the thresholds.
cannon fat is an oil obtained from petroleum products, only very thick and dense.
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