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E51 Auto DJ


The Boss
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North East
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North East

Here is an extract taken from Wikipedia regarding the Auto DJ Function:

"Some of the services available include traffic and weather information, horoscopes, including sports scores and game status. The information is then displayed on the screen. The downloaded text, and navigation can be read audibly by the navigation system. Starting September 20, 2006, CARWINGS was made available to subscribers on their home computers, by registering the URL of a site that offers RSS, which is then relayed to a separate "information channel" that is also displayed."

A link to the whole article can be found here (all under the "Car Wings" system which is what is installed in the E51.


This system does NOT work outside of Japan and is therefore mostly a redundant feature for many Elgrand owners.
A Japanese version of what we have in UK today " OnStar " which you find in Vauxhalls of top end range. The Japs are well ahead of their time. I have this in mine and its a shame it cannot work over here BUT its a JDM thing and we are not JDM.
Shame this doesn’t work so many features we have but can’t use
The big shame is that Nissan call their system Carwings in the uk cars but they aren't compatible. that is really poor in my view.
The big shame is that Nissan call their system Carwings in the uk cars but they aren't compatible. that is really poor in my view.

It's because the Elgrand, and any other JDM only cars were never made for use anywhere else in the world. It's probably a lot cheaper for them to only install the software required for Japan rather than to cover the whole world. So why install software to cover whole world that will only ever be marketed in one country?
It's because the Elgrand, and any other JDM only cars were never made for use anywhere else in the world. It's probably a lot cheaper for them to only install the software required for Japan rather than to cover the whole world. So why install software to cover whole world that will only ever be marketed in one country?

Hi ya,

I agree, hence, software to English should be available and obtainable at a price, whenever needed in different languages.
Hi ya,

I agree, hence, software to English should be available and obtainable at a price, whenever needed in different languages.
But that would never be available from Nissan, and if it was easy enough to do I'm sure a 3rd party would have by now
But that would never be available from Nissan, and if it was easy enough to do I'm sure a 3rd party would have by now

For sure Nissan wouldn’t, no need for them too. I’ve see a video on YouTube and the guy changed the language. Donno does it function ok. If I find it i will post later.
For sure Nissan wouldn’t, no need for them too. I’ve see a video on YouTube and the guy changed the language. Donno does it function ok. If I find it i will post later.

Yup on a series 3 and about a grands worth of hardware from Estonia. It's not just a software update, but does only work on a series 3
I am over the moon it is a proper JDM and Renault never got to fiddle with it because it never come to Europe. I can put up with a few buttons not working, only getting Radio 2 and the clocking being wrong. Proper thick metallic paint, proper reliable drive trains and not having to take the entire car apart to get to the spare wheel or oil filter all outweigh a few buttons.
I am over the moon it is a proper JDM and Renault never got to fiddle with it because it never come to Europe. I can put up with a few buttons not working, only getting Radio 2 and the clocking being wrong. Proper thick metallic paint, proper reliable drive trains and not having to take the entire car apart to get to the spare wheel or oil filter all outweigh a few buttons.

For me the first time I closed the door was where the quality shows, a proper heavy duty door.
Shame this doesn’t work so many features we have but can’t use
the upside is a native switch that can be re-purposed for switching some aftermarket install gadget
@tris , tagged so you may get an answer to your question 🙂
Ideal to use as set buttons if doing the replacement clock mod. Mine has our automated gate fob connected to it.
I read somewhere that there is available a CANBUS interface for some vehicles with which you can electronically repurpose any of your buttons rather than having to make alterations to the circuit boards.
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Here is an extract taken from Wikipedia regarding the Auto DJ Function:

"Some of the services available include traffic and weather information, horoscopes, including sports scores and game status. The information is then displayed on the screen. The downloaded text, and navigation can be read audibly by the navigation system. Starting September 20, 2006, CARWINGS was made available to subscribers on their home computers, by registering the URL of a site that offers RSS, which is then relayed to a separate "information channel" that is also displayed."

A link to the whole article can be found here (all under the "Car Wings" system which is what is installed in the E51.


This system does NOT work outside of Japan and is therefore mostly a redundant feature for many Elgrand owners.
Thanks I had no idea what car wings was.
Speaking of buttons, can someone please tell me what this switch with a tiny light is for? Thanks