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Anyone know how I can get a spare key for my Elgrand?


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Hi there

I hope you can help. I recently bought my first Elgrand. It’s great but I only have 1 key and am prone to losing keys. I’ve tried to buy a spare on via Nissan but it seems to be a dead end. Any idea who I can get one from?


Im sure local localsmiths are able to program a key these days
Im sure local localsmiths are able to program a key these days
You would think that, but unfortunately it's not the case. As soon as you mention it's an import or they find your registration number doesn't work in car parts websites they generally don't want to know, like most other parts of the car trade.
The only place I know who does Elgrand keys is Martin in Worcester. Bot far from you though sorry!

I have a spare fob but it doesn't have a working or cut physical key blade. It therefore just needs the chip programmed and the key blank cut. My local Timpsons refused to do it as was company policy to not work on customer provided keys, even though they admitted that they could theoretically do the work. I asked if they could supply an Elgrand key and they can't (or won't). I complained to Timpsons head office who confirmed it was company policy and stated they couldn't help me!
Its discrimination against imports that is. Im sure the key is cut as standard and the transponder just copied just like any bog standard Nissan key. I need a spare key so going to do some digging aswell.
I kind of did a hack on a non Nissan, it was my old runaround. Basically i got replacement shells for my two keys. While prying one of them open i cracked the little transponder chip capsule which is for the immobilizer. This meant the one key is now dead. Then slowly opened the second key took the transponder capsule out and stuck it near the ignition barrel on steering column. So basically the 2 keys are just plain keys with remote open close function but the immobilizer chip is always on the car. Definitely not something to replicate. And not safe at all.
Its discrimination against imports that is. Im sure the key is cut as standard and the transponder just copied just like any bog standard Nissan key. I need a spare key so going to do some digging aswell.
Unfortunately that's just the way it is. Nissan UK didn't make any money selling Elgrands, and can't be seen to promote imports, so they are purposely unhelpful too. My Elgrand broke down one summer in Cornwall, couldn't get the parts for it locally and had to leave it and all our wet camping stuff in Cornwall. Took the RAC sub-contractor almost a week to deliver the broken car to my mechanic.

If imports were easy everyone would have them, you just need to make sure you do your research. Sometimes you still get unlucky!!
Have you tried Matt at Just Japanese. He has several different types.
He is in the trade section. Says he codes the remote and sends a new key that requires cutting.
If you fancy a day trip to Durham then Vine Place ( reputable Elgrand Dealers ) in Wingate will be able to arrange a key and programme it like they did for me.
In Australia most locksmiths will supply a new key and clone the transponder chip without issue, They just need access to the car to clone it. If you want a case that looks like the original key they will order it in or if its just a spare does it matter ?
The alarm remote is a bit trickier as these are circuit board dependent however if some one knows what other Nissans use the same setup (Patrol, etc) they may be willing .. Most of the parts seem to be from the great Nissan parts bin so maybe stating its a Patrol or whatever key they may be more flexible
Could be worth someone buying a key programmer and sharing it around
Local residential locksmith services you can rely on. All our work is completely assured and guaranteed. We offer affordable lock changes when you need a new set of keys. We will upgrade your locks and improve the general security of your home to protect the things and people you care about most.
I don't think that is what he wanted!
Local residential locksmith services you can rely on. All our work is completely assured and guaranteed. We offer affordable lock changes when you need a new set of keys. We will upgrade your locks and improve the general security of your home to protect the things and people you care about most.
We need vehicular locksmiths not domestic.
I have the same question as the original post. I am in the south east of England and have just bought an E51 with only one key. Can I get a spare cut key for emergencies without all the robo stuff? Or does anyone know of anyone in the south east who can do me one?