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Reverend RobP

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Due to a member being unable to attend now we have 1 FREE slot for anyone that would like to come along to the Yorkshire meet.
It is an overnight camping meet on Saturday 15th September at Holme on Spalding Moor.
Fox Hollows Touring Caravan Park
The Hare And Hounds 57 Main Street.
Holme On Spalding Moor East Yorkshire YO43 4EN
Please comment on here if you would like the place so @Easy Rider and myself know you would like to come.
Thanks Rob
Due to a member being unable to attend now we have 1 FREE slot for anyone that would like to come along to the Yorkshire meet.
It is an overnight camping meet on Saturday 15th September at Holme on Spalding Moor.
Fox Hollows Touring Caravan Park
The Hare And Hounds 57 Main Street.
Holme On Spalding Moor East Yorkshire YO43 4EN
Please comment on here if you would like the place so @Easy Rider and myself know you would like to come.
Thanks Rob
By Free he means at no cost ;-)
Whats the plan for sat looking like? Just rock up at your leisure or some some of meet time?
Whats the plan for sat looking like? Just rock up at your leisure or some some of meet time?
Hi Jason, no particular time arranged for people to arrive. I'm aiming to be there between 11 and 12. So still got plenty of the day left. Not aware of any check in time from the site so think everyone can turn up as and when they're ready.
Whats the plan for sat looking like? Just rock up at your leisure or some some of meet time?
We haven't set a time as such so no pressure. I am aiming to arrive after lunch/ early afternoon all being well.
We are aiming for about 3pm
Is there still a space available???? Just asked the boss if she fancies it and she's up for it
1 more sleep! EEEEEEEEEE!
Arrival time is free and easy. Site is fine with us landing late morning onwards ;-)
@Rob I have invited a Yorkshire newby along @dsla to meet some of the Yorkshire gang ;-)
Woop can't wait. Got some beers chilling and looking forward to seeing everyone 😁
Nice one @Easy Rider they're more than welcome along to meet everyone 👍