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VCR no sound


North East
E51 Owner
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North East
So my Elgrand has had digital tv wired in in Japan with the av lead moved under the driver's seat (I'm assuming it's disconnected from the ports in the back) not I've managed to run my Xbox series s on the screen with the adapter and it works brilliantly except ive got no sound i also have no sound from dvd player .I know vineplace put a radio in for me before i collected it any chance it could be be a wire not connected up etc dont want to bother them if its daft
It'll be the rear audio jacks not being connected back into the new head unit. A common problem as leads are not readily available. If you need one look here..

It'll be the rear audio jacks not being connected back into the new head unit. A common problem as leads are not readily available. If you need one look here..

So just had a look and theres also no video in cable /connecter I recognise for it you don't happen to have a like for that to do you
It does same as the rear but I can't find any rca leads to connect to the back I had a cable incase i needed to bridge the gap and it's just a cheap no name radio
The way the standard system works is so that when you plug an audio and video source into the RCA's the signals go through the TV tuner and you select VTR in the TV menu to see and hear the device that you've plugged in. When the standard radio is replaced the video signal remains via the TV tuner but the audio signal is not reconnected to the replacement radio for the reasons stated above and hence you lose the sound.

If it's just a cheap radio then it may not have an aux input or output, in which case you won't be able to use the Elgrand audio input.