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    We are a friendly and helpful community and there is a wealth of infomation contained within the forum. Please feel free to register, introduce yourself and get to know your fellow members.

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    We look forward to getting to know you and help you with any questions or problemd you have with your Elgrand.

Midlands Vans United Monthly Meet 16th March, B&Q car park DE14 2AP


E51 Owner
E51 Expert
Reaction score
Notts / Derby border area.
First Name
This is a friendly monthly meet of van and minibus owners in a big carpark with lighting, the Vans United Club provide free hot drinks and cakes. Get yourself over and park up and have a wander around the carpark checking on what the others have done to their vans. We go from North Notts so people in Derby and surrounding area its very close to you.