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Speed Awareness Indicators

Many times I have noticed when using Google Maps for directions, a 40 has gone to 50 on my phone, with no signs on the road and with no real reason.

I'll play devil's advocate here... If there's no sign saying the limit has increased from 40 to 50, maybe the limit really is still 40 lol? I would assume 40 or maybe 60 if the road comes out of a built up area iout into the sticks but why 50 if there's no sign saying 50?

I mean, can't trust Google maps for everything. I've had some drivers thinking my driveway is a through route from one street to another because they believe Google maps which is incorrect, it's private property no through route.
I mean, can't trust Google maps for everything. I've had some drivers thinking my driveway is a through route from one street to another because they believe Google maps which is incorrect, it's private property no through route.
Going back a few years ago sat navs in my area would send you into a 10 feet deep river if you followed them :D
All the driving apps I've used have various disclaimers which boil down to "You're the driver it's up to you to pay attention and drive accordingly. It's not our fault if something goes wrong".

I've seen those mysterious speed changes on the A1, they seem to occur when roadworks shift along a bit.
I'll play devil's advocate here... If there's no sign saying the limit has increased from 40 to 50, maybe the limit really is still 40 lol? I would assume 40 or maybe 60 if the road comes out of a built up area iout into the sticks but why 50 if there's no sign saying 50?

I mean, can't trust Google maps for everything. I've had some drivers thinking my driveway is a through route from one street to another because they believe Google maps which is incorrect, it's private property no through route.

I've done that journey for nearly a year now, collecting dogs from Dogs Trust at Lazonby, near Penrith. It is always the same. If I stay at 40, the traffic behind me backs up, if I travel at 50, then any vehicles that are behind me are spaced out nicely. Google Maps always does the same, at exactly the same place, in both directions if I have the app on. Surely it would have been updated by now if it were incorrect? Oh well, in the grand scale of life, the universe and everything, it really isn't important, is it. 😊
I got a ticket back in October. First one in many years as I typically drive like a saint after driving 4 kids around for years.

Paid the fine immediately and then proceeded to fill in the paperwork incorrectly. It was my wife's car I was driving and I was completing the registered keepers section 🙄

Long story short, after lots of calls and emails, someone said they'd send a new batch of forms with my name on which I duly completed and sent off immediately.

Several months later I suddenly had an email saying they were refunding my payment and taking me to court for failing to produce my driver's licence details.

A quick Google showed I wasn't alone! Wtf I thought?! I definitely included my details? Contacted the relevant department directly and turns out the piece of paper with the driver's license details should have been sent to a separate address to the rest of the paperwork. Missed the small print 🙄

You'd of thought they could have sent it back to me or given me some sort of heads up, but no, they just sat on it quietly and it's now going to court along with a statement of my income, partner's income, etc., so lord knows how much they're going to fine me now.

Anyway, I'm still looking for an audible indicator if anyone finds one! 😂
An app called Metroview is awesome for this in Australia, constantly shows your current speed clearly, the screen glows with a red border if you go over your defined margin. Audible warns as well if you like.
An app called Metroview is awesome for this in Australia, constantly shows your current speed clearly, the screen glows with a red border if you go over your defined margin. Audible warns as well if you like.

My brother and my best mate in Brisbane use Metroview. Waze here in the UK is very similar. Just no audible warning when speed limits change, or to tell you what speed you are doing. Only when you speed, which can be too late!
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I'm working through the Waze issue with their tech support who are actually very responsive so will let you know if we find a fix.

By the way, I've had my court outcome, and based on the evidence I included to show that I'd tried to submit my details they simply recharged the standard £100 speeding fine. Pretty fair of them really and goes to show you that pleading stupidity can sometimes pay off 😂
I'm working through the Waze issue with their tech support who are actually very responsive so will let you know if we find a fix.

By the way, I've had my court outcome, and based on the evidence I included to show that I'd tried to submit my details they simply recharged the standard £100 speeding fine. Pretty fair of them really and goes to show you that pleading stupidity can sometimes pay off 😂
I was fiddling about with Waze this morning and found there is an alert which you can set up which plays a sound if you exceed the speed limit.
It's under Settings / Alerts and Reports / Speedometer. You can set it to alert you at the speed limit or 5, 10, 15 etc mph over.
Not sure if this is a new feature or not but tested and it works well!
EDIT just reread through this thread and see that @Carolina has already given this info. Doh!!!
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It would be better if you could set a percentage. In a (poxy) 20mph area in theory you can get done at 23.
I was fiddling about with Waze this morning and found there is an alert which you can set up which plays a sound if you exceed the speed limit.
It's under Settings / Alerts and Reports / Speedometer. You can set it to alert you at the speed limit or 5, 10, 15 etc mph over.
Not sure if this is a new feature or not but tested and it works well!
EDIT just reread through this thread and see that @Carolina has already given this info. Doh!!!
Could you confirm it definitely works on your phones, as doesn't work on mine?
Tech support concluded it was a bug after I sent in some bug reports and just said they'd update if they found a fix.
Could you confirm it definitely works on your phones, as doesn't work on mine?
Tech support concluded it was a bug after I sent in some bug reports and just said they'd update if they found a fix.

Yes it does. Drove down m23 this morning so tested it when I was clear of speed cameras. It was two tone beep. Mines set for sound on alerts only.
I'm using a Samsung phone.
Noise indicator...I misread/missed misunderstood.
if I'm in the Zafira, if it sounds like a bag of rusty spanners on a spin cycle = too fast.
If in an Elgrand, then nice burble =just right. Angry tiger = too fast (usually).

I was a devout user of TomTom, till they started charging daft money when Waze/Google etc gave equivalent for ostensibly nowt.
Then I used "Here" for a few years which was great. And free
Don't know what it's like now, but Google Maps is largely reliable and fairly good with speed limits even when changed though I found a big stretch going to Forest of Bowland last week it insisted as 60mph, with 10mph limits and fresh top dressing/gravel skid risk for several miles (and they weren't kidding!)
Could you confirm it definitely works on your phones, as doesn't work on mine?
Tech support concluded it was a bug after I sent in some bug reports and just said they'd update if they found a fix.

I drove into Whitehaven this morning and set Waze to take me on a back road route, which I have not done before. My alerts have been set in the settings area, since I had the app, to 'speeding threshold - at speed limit' and 'alert when speeding - on'. I know I went over several times on the back roads, but did not hear any sounds at all. I could not look at my phone as it was on the passenger seat and I was just using it for directions to a new place. Have I set it incorrectly?
Yes it does. Drove down m23 this morning so tested it when I was clear of speed cameras. It was two tone beep. Mines set for sound on alerts only.
I'm using a Samsung phone.

How did you set it for sound alerts only? I can't find that option. Thanks.
How did you set it for sound alerts only? I can't find that option. Thanks.
Settings / Voice and Sound
Along the top you should see On Off or Alerts Only.
There should also be a speaker icon on the main screen you can press which brings up the same options.
Of course if you have alerts only you don't get the directions coming through but I find those annoying so don't generally use them.
This is how mine is set