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South East South Coast Restoral Rally 11th April - North Harbour


The French Connection
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Rest Of World
What do we think about having a meet when the six person rule returns at the end of the month? I suspect most of us old gits will have had their first vaccine jab by then. Anyone up for it or a bit early?
im in if my grand is back it goes in on the 22nd they recon to have it for a week
OK, how about 11th April to give a bit of a buffer?
Ok, it's official. As things will be opening up by then I would reckon that most of the usual haunts will be packed so I'm suggesting we meet at North Harbour somewhere around here https://goo.gl/maps/H9f3ii2kX1MK3Y4a9 which may be less popular and has plenty of parking.
:joy::joy:the way my luck is going peter I'm beginning to wonder :rolleyes: it goes in on monday to get the rear done that will be about a week at least i got my engine cover done i was also hoping to have the grill done but hayho i will be there :cool:even if its in the courtesy car :joy: