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Novelty names for Elgrands

Some Guy

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E52 Owner
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Rest Of World
Howdy, Curious if there are any more imaginative names for Elgrands than Ellie and Pimpmobile ?
Has anyone given their car an unusual name ?
Hello to you. I get pimpmobile at work all the time, think it's a jealousy thing! But anyway my bus, E51 is named Earl. First tune I heard after seeing it was Duke of Earl by Darts, just seemed to fit nicely
Ours is called 'Christine', named after the beautiful but evil possessed Plymouth Fury in Stephen King's book. She has an unfortunate habit of either breaking down and stranding us somewhere on holiday, or breaking something just before we are due to go! Or just randomly refusing to start for 2 hours on a test run to the shops, starting first time when the RAC arrive at the supermarket, then actually working perfectly for 3 days in North Wales, leading us to never actually know if she will start or not. Evil I tell you! The fact I still have her says a lot (maybe it's the possession thing...) but Christine isn't my daily driver anymore!!
Howdy, Curious if there are any more imaginative names for Elgrands than Ellie and Pimpmobile ?
Has anyone given their car an unusual name ?
Ours is Bomber after a cocktail B52 and it goes like one 😊👍
Ours is called 'Christine', named after the beautiful but evil possessed Plymouth Fury in Stephen King's book. She has an unfortunate habit of either breaking down and stranding us somewhere on holiday, or breaking something just before we are due to go! Or just randomly refusing to start for 2 hours on a test run to the shops, starting first time when the RAC arrive at the supermarket, then actually working perfectly for 3 days in North Wales, leading us to never actually know if she will start or not. Evil I tell you! The fact I still have her says a lot (maybe it's the possession thing...) but Christine isn't my daily driver anymore!!
wanted to call mine that but her indoors put her foot down
Ours is called 'Christine', named after the beautiful but evil possessed Plymouth Fury in Stephen King's book. She has an unfortunate habit of either breaking down and stranding us somewhere on holiday, or breaking something just before we are due to go! Or just randomly refusing to start for 2 hours on a test run to the shops, starting first time when the RAC arrive at the supermarket, then actually working perfectly for 3 days in North Wales, leading us to never actually know if she will start or not. Evil I tell you! The fact I still have her says a lot (maybe it's the possession thing...) but Christine isn't my daily driver anymore!!
But has anyone been killed by her yet ?