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Northern Big One - Sunday 21st June - Ripon

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Those who have or had something to do with Subaru cars might have heard about it.

For those who don't it's a biggest annual Subaru meet in UK. Every year though there are other clubs invited as well and as I am part of admin of Cumbrian Scoobs who are organizer of this event I thought that would be good if we could take a part of it too.

Location of this event is Lightwater Valley Theme Park, Ripon, North Yorkshire and it will be held on Sunday 21st June.

Here is some more info and pictures from NBO.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.northernbigone.co.uk/">http://www.northernbigone.co.uk/</a><!-- m -->" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I will be there as every year and I hope that we could have our own stand in there.

Would anybody be interested going there?

We could possibly come on Saturday (or even Friday) and camp somewhere near and next day go to the show.

All families are welcome as there is a lot of entertainment for those not interested in cars in Lightwater Valley Theme Park. :thumbup:

List of attendees

1. Mariusz
2. Rapperfrapper
3. Karl
4. BMR
5. Born to be Wild
Yeah, we'll get something arranged for this definitely. Want to get to as many shows as possible.
Cool, If we will be going as a club we have to get list so I can let them know how big stand we will need. :yahoo:
Let's round up the troops!!!!
Ok, I start the list then and we will see.

1. Mariusz
2. Rapperfrapper
3. Karl
Topic moved to the Shows/Events forum and list added to initial post.
Given where my i am in my story walk of life...i am unable to make this one, busy year with extension build than i am managing..but trusting this then makes the years after easy and with more time
Any more northern members up for this one?
Official list is now open so if anybody else is interested coming please add your name here please.
I will need to add names to that list at some point.

Thanks. :thumbup:
BMR said:
Karl, Stick us on the list for the NBO, (I have to get out more often)

That's the spirit. :thumbup:

We all need to get out more often. :boss:

Who else is going? :think:
Been off line for awhile, but yep interested and has now set up with a 4' bed in the back would be perfect place to try it out.
Cool we can possibly have a small stand now, I will find out more tonight and will let you know as soon I will know something.

Here is more latest info about NBO

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.northernbigone.co.uk/news.html">http://www.northernbigone.co.uk/news.html</a><!-- m -->

:cool: :cool: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Ok guys we've got a place for a stand now. :thumbup:

I will put us on official list on Friday just in case that somebody else want to join us. I think deadline is this weekend as they will sort out list but if anybody else decide to come after that I still should be able to add name to the list.

Some info copied from NBO website:

The official NBO 13 list on the Scoobynet page still needs updating to reflect the true attendance figures we have. So once again please could all the club organisers transfer their blocks over to the main list at their earliest convenience because as always we have to sort out the public liability insurance and H&S risk assessments for the event. This is a legal requirement for an event of this nature so please can you all sort the main list out. Hopefully we will get to the 300 Subaru mark on the day. Please spread the word and help us maintain the Subaru community tradition. Rob will do a final clean up next weekend to sort it before the event.

The nitty gritty :

The entry donation remains the same again this year = £10. With all proceeds going to Mission Motorsport. As will the proceeds of the charity raffle and auction which will be held on the day.

The gates open to the public at 1000 hours and we will start judging at 1130 hours. But can we ask all clubs to be aiming to be on the field and set up as early as possible. From 0800 onwards via the usual tradesman’s entrance. We have a lot to get through.

more here:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.northernbigone.co.uk/news.html">http://www.northernbigone.co.uk/news.html</a><!-- m -->

I have to pull out of this one guys. I made a massive budgeting cock up (I forgot to put a child's birthday in the budget). Fuck. Going to see what I can do over the next week or so to fix this, but at the moment I cannot say I will definitely be in attendance :cry:
Karl said:
I have to pull out of this one guys. I made a massive budgeting cock up (I forgot to put a child's birthday in the budget). Fuck. Going to see what I can do over the next week or so to fix this, but at the moment I cannot say I will definitely be in attendance :cry:

That's a shame I was hoping to see you there. :(
If you want I will still put your name just in case if you will be able to come.

I haven't added names to the list yet, will do that bit later tonight
Yes mate. Keep me on the list for now. I'll let you know ASAP what's what.
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