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Don't ask me why

Sounds a bit mad but I sing that tune to the dog :)
I also sing that Elton John/Dua Lipa tune to the dog to. I admit that is a bit crazy
Sounds a bit mad but I sing that tune to the dog :)
I also sing that Elton John/Dua Lipa tune to the dog to. I admit that is a bit crazy
...but what was the link to the track before it? 🤔
I'm calling foul on @Elgraman for not posting in the song I last listened to thread :)
So back to Deep Purple and an old favourite for many.
Smoke On The Water - Deep Purple

Edit: Elgramans dog has sent a PM asking if we get Elgraman to sing some different songs :innocent:
I'm calling foul on @Elgraman for not posting in the song I last listened to thread :)
So back to Deep Purple and an old favourite for many.
Smoke On The Water - Deep Purple

Edit: Elgramans dog has sent a PM asking if we get Elgraman to sing some different songs :innocent:
Well, the dog might actually do better, because I didn't get the thread theme, a link with the artist etc 😊
I just thought it was a general music thread lol
I must admit i did wonder why there was this (apparently) another straight music thread, when there is another one on the forum as well

Now the penny's final dropped :grinning:
Elephant Talk - King Crimson
Talk Talk - Life's What You Make It

Cor that was a blast from the past - thanks! Edit: Can't find it in my collection, so I've just ordered it!!! ☺️
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