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Last song you listened to?

3rd rail - Ian Hunter
Choons - Robbie Cumming

First saw this when I was living in Spain, about 9/10 years ago I think. Just found it again and it still makes me chuckle!
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Just announced a small UK tour which includes Bristol🤘

November rain - guns n roses
Saw a GnR tribute act recently - it was fun but they had only paid premium dollar for the rights to play 2 songs. Can you guess what the other one was?
Last night, Spotify compiled a 2023 play list for me.👍

I was enjoying my free album whilst dozing off with my timer set to 1hour, quite content……

Then I was rudely awakened by ‘Last Christmas by Wham.’

Now I quite like the tune with a drink in my hand on the run up to Christmas, but it’s quite traumatic on the 27th of February.

I was awake for quite a while after that.

Anyhow I digress, the answer to the title is - Last Christmas by Wham.
Saw a GnR tribute act recently - it was fun but they had only paid premium dollar for the rights to play 2 songs. Can you guess what the other one was?
Paradise City?
