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The Boss
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North East
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North East
For everyone attending JAE this year, we have decided to go for electric hookup.

We will be buying 2x 13 amp sockets, and bringing 2x six way extensions which will give us 12 power sockets to use between us.

For this to go ahead, I need £10 additional from all those attending.

Can this additional payment please be sent ASAP to karl@elgrandoc.uk via PayPal?

If you are unable to do this, please message me to let me know so that we can look at how else to split the cost. If too many people are unable to chip in for this, then we will just leave it as we managed last year without power, and it's not fair to put the cost onto half a dozen people.

Thanks for your understanding and support.
Karl I am up for paying.....shall we say for those of us willing to cover the cost that if we do not get the required amount refunds can be given?
So does this mean those that chip in can get a power plug in there tent aswell?.
I'll Chip in £10 happily for it.
I don't think we'll be able to get power plugs into people's tents. We'll have to see how many of the 12 total sockets we have spare of an evening, but if you bring an extension lead long enough to get from the camp to the tent then that option may be available.

And yes, if we fall short of the required funds, refunds will be given to anyone who has paid.
Just though it would be good if it's possible to get power to run my fridge for the time there.
Luckily I've got a long extension, lol.
I'll pay up tomorrow get payed tonight
I wasn't going to go to JAE but now I know I can plug my hair straighteners in I think I'll come along :*
Are the sockets normal 3 pin UK sockets or the round campsite hookup type ones?

Just checking if I need to bring my hookup converter thingy
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