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Has owning an Elgrand changed your life?

Eliana Grande

Active Newbie
E51 Owner
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Has owning an Elgrand changed your life for the better?

I am a first time van owner and since we got Eliana Grande, we have explored the country we live in much more than we did before.

I live in Scotland and had never been further north than Inverness until last summer. We carefullly planned a trip to drive the NC500. It was one of the best holidays we’ve ever had and we’d do it again.

We covered most of the route in 7 days staying at a different campsite each night.

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Has owning an Elgrand changed your life for the better?

I am a first time van owner and since we got Eliana Grande, we have explored the country we live in much more than we did before.

I live in Scotland and had never been further north than Inverness until last summer. We carefullly planned a trip to drive the NC500. It was one of the best holidays we’ve ever had and we’d do it again.

We covered most of the route in 7 days staying at a different campsite each night.

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Hopefully ours will.
I do get a,sense of excitement when I'm going to take her out.
At the end of next week we are embarking on our first proper trip down to the south coast through Devon and Cornwall over 2 weeks. If all goes well it'll be a game changer for us as I'll progress the changes I want to make to the van, if it don't see for sale section haha.
Well, spending most of my time fixing it, polishing it and swearing at it.....as well as living off of f'in beans on toast just to keep it on the road....oh and making me go bald (as well as the wife and two daughters).....Life Changing? More life sentence!
I used to have ocd.
But owning an Elgrand has changed all that.
I now have
Cleaning OCD
Parking OCD
Cleaning OCD
Fuel OCD
Cleaning OCD
A Fear of cats
Cleaning OCD
Fear of birds
Cleaning OCD
Oh and skint.

But what the hell.
You only live once.
And it make you smile every time you look at it.
I am just glad we have digital cameras now as it would also cost a fortune to get the film I would use on photographing it developed.
I used to have ocd.
But owning an Elgrand has changed all that.
I now have
Cleaning OCD
Parking OCD
Cleaning OCD
Fuel OCD
Cleaning OCD
A Fear of cats
Cleaning OCD
Fear of birds
Cleaning OCD
Oh and skint.

But what the hell.
You only live once.
And it make you smile every time you look at it.
I am just glad we have digital cameras now as it would also cost a fortune to get the film I would use on photographing it developed.
And don't think he's joking cause he's not. :laughing:
Yes as now I can ESCAPE any time I like. I love to escape down to Phillip Island where the grand prix track is located. It's about 90 minutes away and a lovely drive from Melbourne. There are at least 6 big events there each year (Moto GP, WSBK etc) so lots of opportunities to get away. The Elgrand is great to camp in and also for driving around the perimeter road around the race track. With my two adult sons I love watching racing bikes and cars in the comfort (and height) from the Elgrand with my fridge full of drinks. My 4WD Elgrand is truly an escape machine. I can go to caravan parks, camp trackside when it's on offer and wildcamp now and again (usually when everything is booked out / parks are charging outrageous prices when international events are on.)
I got mine 4 years ago just before covid hit. Was a blessing to use it as an isolation area during breaks, plus its just a beast on the motorways, watch out veedubs.
It's been a positive addition to my life. I smile every time I drive it - extra seating height, gets off the line well for a 2 ton vehicle, so much space, and I got it for AUD 6k!

I wanted a legit 7 or 8 seater (not a SUV which is 5+2) for a roadtrip in Australia, so picked up an e51. It served us remarkably well, hauling around 7 people and a decent amount of luggage, and I see myself planning more road trips in future.