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German VS Jap Car Show

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German v Jap car show..

All those interested for this show next year add your name to the list and if we get at least 5 names on the list we may even get a club stand organised.
So check your diaries, and get yer name down on the list.
Heres a link to the website for more info:

1. Rapper
2. Brian
3. Mark. P
4. Del
................... Min req for club stand
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This look like fun, but two weeks before JAE, I'll have to see about getting time off work as I know I'll be limited in Aug/Sep for time off.
I'm following the thread and will put my name on when I get some answers around time off next year :)
There are two other shows that I do that weekend I'm afraid.
No worries, we only need a min of 5 to have a club stand, which show are you doing that weekend, cos if this doesn't take off we can come support you at your show if you'd like?

If it's the same weekend as this year then it will be retro rides gathering in my Honda Acty (afraid that's pre-1995 cars only) otherwise there's "The Big Meet" at Uttoxeter Race Course which I'd do in the Elgrand.