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North East CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE - 2020 Breakfast Meets - North East - Last Sunday of every month


The Boss
Staff member
E50 Owner
Premium Member
North East
E50 Expert
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North East
You all know the drill, on the last Sunday of every month we will be holding the monthly Breakfast Meet for members in the North East.
The meet is open for everyone to attend, whether you are an owner, someone who's looking to buy, or even a previous owner who just wants to keep in touch with friends. You also do not exclusively have to reside in the North East to be able to attend, if you are passing through, or you're on holiday in the local area, or you just fancy a Sunday drive... everyone is welcome.

We'll be kicking off the meets at the same location as 2019, the Toby Carvery at Wolviston services just off the A19 (Hartlepool/Billingham Junction).
We have the ability to change the location if people fancy a change, just let us know and we'll see what we can make happen.

Meet time is 10:00 with breakfast usually starting around 10:30.
At the Toby the breakfast is an all you can eat deal for just less than £5.

I've not checked show dates for 2020 yet, but there might be some conflicts with shows. On those weekends, some members might not be able to attend, but anyone who is not attending the shows are still more than welcome to attend.

Dates are listed below. If there is any change in venue, it will be added next to the weekend on which that venue will be used.

26th January
23rd February
29th March
26th April
31st May
28th June
26th July
30th August
27th September
25th October
29th November
27th December
Fling them in the shiny new diary. 😁
Personally if it doesn't clash with work and being dad's taxi then I will be there. I was thinking of organising a photo meet in Newcastle when it warms up a wee bit :)
Sounds like fun
Sounds like good an idea 😎👍.
Now there is no Toby but there is a McDonald on the A19 at silverlink but I'll see where is open on a Sunday morning so we can do the breakfast thing
If we do the car park early when there is no one about I could do some drone shots
I'd be up for this if I can get the van to run soundly 🤣(perks of buying a do upper)
👍fish+chips in the Waterfront?
Pint in the Low Lights Tavern (my favourite pub),
I'd be up for this if I can get the van to run soundly 🤣(perks of buying a do upper)
I'm sure if you asked the 2 E50 mad northeast members ie Karl and Madfish if your having problems that they would come up with any advice , sorry guys .
I'm sure if you asked the 2 E50 mad northeast members ie Karl and Madfish if your having problems that they would come up with any advice , sorry guys .
Im having one more go tomorrow then I might just do that
Im having one more go tomorrow then I might just do that
Good I'm sure you will either get advice or even help from people on here . Good luck hope it gets sorted. 😎👍
We'll do a seaside run when the weather starts to warm up a little if that's OK with everyone?
You all know the drill, on the last Sunday of every month we will be holding the monthly Breakfast Meet for members in the North East.
The meet is open for everyone to attend, whether you are an owner, someone who's looking to buy, or even a previous owner who just wants to keep in touch with friends. You also do not exclusively have to reside in the North East to be able to attend, if you are passing through, or you're on holiday in the local area, or you just fancy a Sunday drive... everyone is welcome.

We'll be kicking off the meets at the same location as 2019, the Toby Carvery at Wolviston services just off the A19 (Hartlepool/Billingham Junction).
We have the ability to change the location if people fancy a change, just let us know and we'll see what we can make happen.

Meet time is 10:00 with breakfast usually starting around 10:30.
At the Toby the breakfast is an all you can eat deal for just less than £5.

I've not checked show dates for 2020 yet, but there might be some conflicts with shows. On those weekends, some members might not be able to attend, but anyone who is not attending the shows are still more than welcome to attend.

Dates are listed below. If there is any change in venue, it will be added next to the weekend on which that venue will be used.

26th January
23rd February
29th March
26th April
31st May
28th June
26th July
30th August
27th September
25th October
29th November
27th December
I’d love to attend but I know my girl isn’t up to anywhere near the standard of OC members beauties. Maybe when she’s had a face lift & a tummy tuck 😊
It dose not matter what she looks like. We meet for the crack. Just a friendly meet up.
@Miss Brown - kindly wash your mouth out :joy:

We're not snobs. We don't judge. We don't discriminate. We just want to get people together, get to know each other, and make some friends. It's helpful to meet and get to know local members so that you know there is support local to you if you ever need it.
It's not a car show where your car will be on display for the world to see. It's just a meet for breakfast :)

If you want to attend, please feel free. The condition of your Elgrand doesn't matter.