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Blimey, I was grumpy!

Jay Butts

Well-Known Member
E52 Owner
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South Yorkshire
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Hey you lot. I’d like to start with an apology. I was super grumpy a year or so ago and I want to say sorry to those I may have upset. Lots going on at the time that had me being pulled from pillar to post that made me act out of character.

That’s it, I’m ready to get stuck back in (choosing my words more carefully)!

Onwards and upwards folks…. 😂
Hello, I'm a newbie here, but appreciate fully when things get tough and our words can run away with us. Well done for speaking up and returning to such a friendly place, where most don't seem to judge. ☺️
It’s not worth announcing your return if your not going to post - where are you, what you doing?

Throw a post in the Last Song You Listened Too - so we know you’re not an imposter. 😆👍
Welcome back. I feel at home around miserable sods like your old self, so I decry your new-found sense of positivity and optimism 🤪

Seriously though, it's horrible how constant stress from work/life creates a new-normal that we just accept until we remember we didn't used to be like this

Welcome back to good health and the group 🥰
I wish our lass would stop talking for this long , she’s always grumpy, but still manages the odd word or two, or three, or four—— you get what I mean