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Midlands 16th August Donnington Park Museum Meet


E51 Owner
E51 Expert
Reaction score
Notts / Derby border area.
First Name
Hi Guys.
This is the plan, let me know if your interested.

[glow=red]Location - Donnington Park Grand Prix Museum[/glow].

[glow=red]Date - 16th August 2015[/glow]

[glow=red]Time - TBA. Opens at 10.00 am[/glow]

How about we meet up at Castle Donnington Services on the A453 near East Midlands Airport at about 11.00 then we can take a steady drive past East Midlands Airport to the Museum where if the weather is ok we can have a picnic as there is a lot of grass round the Museum area. We should be able to park up in front of the Museum as at the moment there isnt any racing, rock concerts or trade exhibitions going off that day so it should be relativly quiet.

[glow=red]I am starting a list for those that want to go so please reply back in here so I can add you[/glow].

Cheers Guys.

1)- BMR (Brian & Sue)
2)- Suzey (if she gets her Elli by then) (poss)
3)- Headless (Ellis) (poss)
4)- Shepo (John).
5)- Lynx (Rich).
6)- Rapper.
7)- Simjoh
8)- Ratman (Simon)
I'll try and get if I'm not doing anything that day only 40 mins down the road for me!!!
Right have spoken to the powers to be(the boss as she's called) and we'll be up there, never been in the museum so very happy to be able to go and take a look.
See you all there
I'll be there too
Update on Donnington Park Museum Meet, I have today sent the manager of the museum an email asking him to confirm that there is nothing else going off on 16/08/15, that we can park up in the car park in front of the museum, that we can hold an informal picnic on the grass near the trucks and the last one that I dont think they will be able to do but using the if you dont ask you dont get thought if it would be poss for us to have a supervised lap of the Donington Park Grand Prix circuit for photos of interest for the site. I will let you know the outcome.
Wish I could go to this but unfortunately have other commitments. Was there a couple of weeks ago when the Vulcan bomber did a flyover (the aeropark museum is only a minute away).

A lap round there would be cool, worth asking - we arranged a trip round in a coach for a conference I was involved in several years ago... can't remember what it cost though.

There is loads of parking there - I'd be really suprised if you can't park up together.

Thats a shame Simon, if its popular we might make it a yearly sponsored Elgrand BMR meet so we will see.

I today found some time to vist Donington Grand Prix Circuit and asked a few questions.

How many Adults do we have to get visiting the Museum to get a group discount?
If we can scrape together 20 ADULTS then the admission price comes down to £8.00 each.

Can we hold a picnic infront of the museum building on the grass near the cafe?
Yes we can but the picnic tables are reserved for cafe paying customers, so bring your picnic mats / chairs unless you want to pay for your food.

Is it poss for us to take the Elgrands on the circuit for photos?
Provided they have not "sold" the track time on the day to a race club or corporate business she thinks we should be ok and will let me know closer to the meet date.

So come on guys, this has got to be a meet for petrolheads (and dieselheads) what more could you want?
Sundays Donnington Park museum meet is still on.
Meeting Time 11.00
Meeting Location Donnington M1 Services (near the airport, you can access via the M1 or normal roads)
(If you cant meet up at the service area, we will be taking a steady drive past the airport to Donnington Park Museum car park, all of 10 mins).

I Look forwards to seeing both old and some new faces.
Just added kev Guest to the list - he messaged me via facebook to add him as he's currently travelling to France.
Hi could u tell me how much it is to get in museum as me and wife and 6 kids r coming thanks
Hi we are going though not sure if we will meet at the services or meet you all at donnington depends on weather kids and time !! Looking forward to it though
Hi all iv got Prices

Normal price: £ 8
Children (6-16 years): £ 3.00 
Children (under 6 years): free 
OAP / Student: £ 6.00 
Family Ticket (Two adults and up to three children): £ 16.00
oooh snap another family with 6 kids don't come across them very often. :)
Finally, having forgot my password and eventually finding the time to get back on - I shall be there
Well I really shouldn't as my kitchen is in bits as you can see, and I am back at work Monday after a week getting it to that stage lol

Plus my bus will be the dirtiest there as its stored at a farm and they have been combining ! So please forgive me
