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South East Brands Hatch September


The French Connection
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Rest Of World
Looks interesting, fancy a run out?

If there are enough members interested we could perhaps have a club stand if they are on offer, @E51ZRider what do you think?
Can you let us know when theres more information please? Facebook seems to suggest event is only 9-12 and doesn't say a lot and the website link is just a holding page.
yep as it says 9-12 thought they would go for an all day event
Same weekend as Yakushi show. So might impact of numbers
Here's the blurb for those not on FB;

For the first time ever, Brands Hatch will play host to an all-Japan event which will be a major car show date of the year - Go Japan!

Go Japan! is a huge scale event to welcome cars, bikes and everything else made in Japan to the beautiful Kent venue for a one-day annual celebration.

The event will feature a stage, live music, interviews and and discussions with celebrity car figures from Japan and the UK, Comicon, Japanese food, interactive competitions and much more.

On track there will be a huge line-up of legendary cars and bikes, from racing, tuning and show vehicles, welcoming the Time Attack Championship, a major drifting car feature and a special race featuring Japanese cars.

Japanese Performance magazine are collaborating with us to line up some of the most amazing Japanese cars you'll find anywhere.

Japanese cars as well as tuning and racing celebrities will be flown from Japan for this exclusive event, some for the first time ever.

The show will host the UK's best Japanese car clubs in marque specific zones, will feature a huge trade village where you can expect the finest names to be on hand as well as manufacturer presence, test drives, rally drive experiences and many other things for you, your friends and family to enjoy.

Full details of the event will be released here on Facebook as well as on the dedicated www.gojapan.co.uk website.

Forget what you think you know about Japanese car events, we are about to re-write how its done.

If you are looking for the next big thing, we are looking forward to giving it to you.

We welcome you to like our FB page to keep in touch and share the date and event with your friends who may be interested.

If you have a legendary car or would like to get involved with the event, please drop us an email : events@timeattack.co.uk
from what i can find it is along side round six of the time attack series sponsored by three main corporations one being go japan canot find out anything about them but fb said that 99 people were going so not sure whats happening with that the go japan logo at the top of post is a japanese travel show some conflicting information on fb and brands hatch web sites its sounds like they have tagged it to a race day
Not much chance of track time for show visitors then. 😕
thats true and if there is an event other than just a show would you have to pay entry for the track just seems to be a big write up with no information or proper web site if its as big as they say
All clear as mud then, I wish there was a way of finding out about events without FB.
See here:
Yakushi isn't at a posh spa hotel but I am disappointed its only a one day event and not the weekend.
There's 2 Yakushi events this year Liz. A 1 day event and then the full weekend one in September 👍🏼
Yes, but this is Brands Hatch not some posh spa hotel.....
Haha if I could do both I would mate.
Good to have options for all people and locations. 👍🏼
Knowing Brands Hatch it will probably be £90 to get in.
Knowing Brands Hatch it will probably be £90 to get in.
Yeah probably! 😂
For all Yakushi is classed as been at a spa hotel etc, your basically in a field on the estate! There was no luxury about it 😂😂
It's next door to Silverstone as well, and they offered reduced price tickets to the racing on the Sunday last year, which was quite a nice bonus for those that wanted to go. So hopefully this brands hatch event will have some sort of incentive or decent ticket price to get people along
the time attack sunday is not confirmed on brands web site but it would be 20 squids to get in on the saterday 12th is a meeting for another round of club cars and no mention of go japan on any sites so not sure the nearest i can find for anything like the event described is an italian one which looks good