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The Japanese lady that lives in my dashboard


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South East
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South East
So curiosity/boredom got the better of me and I finally bothered to use google translate to see what she was saying

Or ‘no card inserted’

I knew it was something to do with the toll card reader but was hoping there might be a bit more to it than just that 😂

Anyway I can confirm that if you slide an old Nectar card in there it doesn’t shut her up. It does change the message though and since the thing started beeping like mad I didn’t hang around to find out what 😂

Which made me wonder - is there any value in trying to get hold of an old Japanese card? I don’t know how they work OR how you might get one but it’s not as if they’d run out of credit driving around the U.K.

Or does anyone have any bright ideas to get her to pipe down, which don’t require pulling the dashboard apart or understanding auto electrics?
So curiosity/boredom got the better of me and I finally bothered to use google translate to see what she was saying

Or ‘no card inserted’

I knew it was something to do with the toll card reader but was hoping there might be a bit more to it than just that 😂

Anyway I can confirm that if you slide an old Nectar card in there it doesn’t shut her up. It does change the message though and since the thing started beeping like mad I didn’t hang around to find out what 😂

Which made me wonder - is there any value in trying to get hold of an old Japanese card? I don’t know how they work OR how you might get one but it’s not as if they’d run out of credit driving around the U.K.

Or does anyone have any bright ideas to get her to pipe down, which don’t require pulling the dashboard apart or understanding auto electrics?
You can turn her off in the settings. I managed to put the volume to zero for her whilst in Japanese but I eventually got English conversion. I also decided to take out the reader which would have definitely shut her up!
Anyone have a lightly used Japanese lady for sale?