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Selling a vehicle to an overseas buyer


Active Newbie
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Long Eaton, Nottingham
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Looking to buy
Hi folks. I've been advertising my 1990 Land Rover Defender to fund my Elgrand dreams.

The only serious query I've had is from a buyer in Ireland. He's planning to come and have a look next week, and assuming he likes what he sees, I'm guessing buy it.

He will pay by bank transfer and I'll check the funds are in my account before handing it over.

I'm a bit unsure about what I do with regards to DVLA. Section 11 of the V5 is "Notification of permanent export", but it says "only use this section if you are personally exporting this vehicle", so do I fill this in? Looks more to me like this means I'm taking the vehicle out of the country for my own use (for example, to use in my villa in Martinique).

Also, assuming that he buys, he'll be driving it to a ferry port, but I'll still be registered as the keeper if he got caught speeding (unlikely in a Defender) or anything.

Hopefully one or more of you have done something similar - any advice gratefully received.
There is provision ( 7am to 7pm ) for you to notify DVLA on line that you have sold the vehicle for export. As long as you and the buyer comply with the conditions once your sale is registered at the DVLA and you have received a notification back from them electronically on line ( usually immediately ) you will not be liable from the time you submitted the notification for any breaches of UK law by the purchaser. - ie driving without tax, insurance etc. I would also get him to sign the V5 slip to say he has purchased it and verify his name and address and take a copy of what he shows you before selling it.
Be careful they can still cancel the transfer after its got through,just sell car as you would to any buyer, its down to them to arange export I believe.As said above do it all on line then you are covered for speeding or any other fines.