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E50/51 Elgrand tyre wear front v back


Part of the furniture
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For people who have had their E50/51 Elgrand for a while, given it's RWD, do the rears wear a fair bit faster than the front?

I'm not talking about alignment issues or anything, just in general, is the RWD Elgrand similar to my MX-5, where by the time the rears go to 3mm say, the fronts will still have more on them?

(Obviously not the E52, which is FWD)

I don't know, mines 4WD.
Sounds a bit throaty. Can do that pulling out of junctions, mind you mines a g30.
I found the fronts last twice as long as the rears. Could be how I drive though!
I found the fronts last twice as long as the rears. Could be how I drive though!
I find the same and fronts do last longer than the rears on rwd cars...

Especially when the rwd car runs a lot of negative camber or has rear end tracking issues, like a lot of Elgrand and particularly my black one.
Mine has the Nismo springs and massively negative camber, tyre wear is horrible but strangely it is passenger rear that wears out quickest