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South East Blackdeer festival


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South East
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east sussex
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South East
Anyone going . after long chats lol, we are going , camping in Groot (bus} lol

Just be aware, no dogs allowed at this one and at more than £240 each, for the weekend, it aint cheap! Looks like a lot of bands though.
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Just be aware, no dogs allowed at this one and at more than £240 each, for the weekend, it aint cheap! Looks like a lot of bands though

Just be aware, no dogs allowed at this one and at more than £240 each, for the weekend, it aint cheap! Looks like a lot of bands though.
not saying anything about dog,s
I’ve just read through the line up from top to bottom and I only recognise one act - Sheryl Crow and if she was playing in my back garden I would draw the curtains and turn up the TV.

Is this a rubbish festival or am I too old and out of touch.
I’ve just read through the line up from top to bottom and I only recognise one act - Sheryl Crow and if she was playing in my back garden I would draw the curtains and turn up the TV.

Is this a rubbish festival or am I too old and out of touch.

Thought it was just me - I was trying to act cool!!! 🤣

More than a little intrigued though, as I was born in Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, spent the first year of my life in Tonbridge and grew up in Crowborough. I thought I knew the area well, but have never heard of Eridge Park!

I remember Eridge Station really well. My Dad worked at London Bridge and sometimes caught the train from Eridge. I went with him to work when I was young sometimes and used to love that little station!
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