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A Christmas poem


Part of the furniture
Premium Member
North East
E51 Owner
Reaction score
Co. Durham
First Name
North East
Dashing through the snow in my Nissan Elgrand,
Leaving Audi's behind laughing all the way.
Porches are just slow... BMW's too,
If you wanna catch me you'll need an Elgrand too.
Jingle bells Jingle bells your sports cars are a farse.
If you wanna race me my Elgrand will kick your arse.
Snow mode obviously, winter tyres???
This may be true of the old one, but the new one is black so....

Dashing through the snow
In a black Elgrand today
The white one was much quicker
That's all that I can say
It's just not quite as good
In almost every way
Only one thing I can do
Is give it a respray
Oh! Jingle bells, the rattle can smells
But the black is going away
Much more fun to drive it now
The power is here to stay
I'm assuming as black absorbs the light it must make it heavier
This may be true of the old one, but the new one is black so....

Dashing through the snow
In a black Elgrand today
The white one was much quicker
That's all that I can say
It's just not quite as good
In almost every way
Only one thing I can do
Is give it a respray
Oh! Jingle bells, the rattle can smells
But the black is going away
Much more fun to drive it now
The power is here to stay
They didn't paint the Stealth Bomber white for a reason, it's not top speed that matters only how quick you get there,,,,,,;)
Does anyone else read the thread title as Christmas Porn, or is it just me ?
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A little rhyme from Siberia)

tra-ta ta, tra-ta ta
what a freezing day
Qd thirty two so tired
but i want to play.

Snowdrift here and snowdrift there
minus thirty seven,
What a friendly atmosphere
When in the cabin plus eleven