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WRITE UP - Yakushi Show 2021


The Boss
Staff member
E50 Owner
Premium Member
North East
E50 Expert
Reaction score
First Name
North East
Well, what is there to say? Another fantastic weekend had by everyone who attended this event with us.

After the 18 months of hell we've all been through, through lockdowns, isolation, and the fear of a killer disease... having the chance to get a sense or normality back was something very much needed.

@Pippa and I arrived with @Gippa_elgrand a little late on the Friday (around 4pm ish). By this time, both Marquees were up... @Cliff Goodwin had his cooking area ready and most of the members had arrived and started to get settled.

The weekend was a fantastic opportunity for the "regulars" to catch up after so long being apart, but also a great chance to meet the new members who had not yet had chance to attend an event such as this. Although I am not sure I got to spend equal amounts of time with everyone (due to being a cripple and recovering from alcohol abuse), I think I got to at least speak to and welcome everyone who came.

The feedback we received from all members was really positive. New members felt welcomed and included. I think the most common phrase I heard over the weekend was "I needed this". The chance to let your hair down, enjoy good food and good company was something that we all needed. As always I think I consumed a little too much alcohol, which was proven by my epic fall out of one marquee, through another, and ending up landing on the floor about 100 yards down the hill.

Once again, the ElgrandOC club stand was by far the best across the whole event. Marquee lit up like a Christmas tree, music going (until cut off), smoke machine, all members getting stuck in and socialising. A very very humbling sight on Saturday night when everyone had their indicators flashing across the whole venue. I took a step back and just watched our club stand and took a moment to just appreciate where ElgrandOC is now from where it started 7 years ago.

I think all of us who knew him, really missed Ellis. He was such a big part of our shows, especially this one where he performed for and with is all. His guitar, his singing, his jokes and his no bullshit Scottish demeanor... our events will never be the same without him again. Although we will do our best to honour his memory and keep events bouncing as he'd have wanted.

Belting out "ELLIS, ELLIS WHO THE F*CK IS ELLIS" across the valley was emotional.

A massive thank you to everyone who came along. The show would not be what it was without a single one of you. Every attendance is appreciated and I hope that you all felt as much a part of the community as you should.

Special shout outs go to:

@Cliff Goodwin - for (again) his exceptional cooking skills and ability to keep us all full to the brim
@LLGrandJ - for keeping us all entertained with music all weekend and evening DJ skills.
@Kenzie - for his non stop anecdotes and general overall helpfulness with absolutely everything and anything... including the 25l of petrol to keep the genny going
@Karlos - for being an absolute star and just always being in the right place at the right time to help

We also had a little inter-club competition which was judged for us by the team at Car Couture and Boosted Boutique. We had 3 prizes for Best E50, Best E51 and overall Best Elgrand. A round of applause to:

@Reverend RobP - Best E50
@Karlos - Best E51
@Oscpop - Best Elgrand

Now if @Winchester is reading through this thinking "what the fuck"... I'm getting to you now mate :D

So Winchester brought his stunning project Crazy88 along to Yakushi and entered into the show and shine award on Saturday. Most of you will have seen his project thread and know the work that has gone into this car. This year he's had the chance to unleash it on the world.
As he pulled up to the show on Friday night, I looked down the hill and was instantly belted in the face with jealousy. An absolutely incredible, stunning machine that just oozes charisma.
I was told by the judges before the awards "make sure you're all down here"...

At the award ceremony on Saturday he scooped not one, but TWO awards for his Elgrand... "Best ICE" and the creme de la creme... "Best in Show".

A massive testament to the amount of blood, sweat and tears that went into making this Elgrand exactly what it is. Not only does it stand out a mile in terms of aesthetics, everything has been done properly. Installation of all the equipment has been done to the highest standard and hidden out of sight.

There was a third award given to a member of our group... and that person was me. I got "mishap of the year award". Not I'd put this on Facebook, but hadn't had chance to put on the forum, but the weekend before Yakushi I used a scissor jack on Kumo to pain the rear drums. The scissor jack collapsed. Luckily, I was able to stop any real damage from occurring, but I did put my back out and stress myself out. So I got publicly shamed and was awarded with a trolley jack :joy:

A personal thank you from me to everyone who attended. I really needed that weekend. It was great to see so many people all having fun and socialising. Back to reality now though, but looking forward to Santa Pod in a few weeks :D

I made a couple of videos. One showing the Elgrand's on the stand, and a dedicated one for @Winchester's project Crazy88.


Great video mate.
You after my job?
Gutted I could not make.
Glad you all had a great time.
Hoping to get to Santa Pod.
Congratulations to @Winchester wat an amazing Elgrand.
One day I hope to see it in the flesh.
I missed u mate, hope u can make it to Santa Pod 🤞
Oooh... forgot to give a special shout out to @Steve Thompson for both his Werther's Original flavoured vodka special home brew "gonna get you pissed" liquor... and also his little fire pit that kept us all warm once the genny went off on Saturday night! So much to remember and call out all in one go!
Oooh... forgot to give a special shout out to @Steve Thompson for both his Werther's Original flavoured vodka special home brew "gonna get you pissed" liquor... and also his little fire pit that kept us all warm once the genny went off on Saturday night! So much to remember and call out all in one go!
Yes the Werther's vodka was inspired 👌
Well, what is there to say? Another fantastic weekend had by everyone who attended this event with us.

After the 18 months of hell we've all been through, through lockdowns, isolation, and the fear of a killer disease... having the chance to get a sense or normality back was something very much needed.

@Pippa and I arrived with @Gippa_elgrand a little late on the Friday (around 4pm ish). By this time, both Marquees were up... @Cliff Goodwin had his cooking area ready and most of the members had arrived and started to get settled.

The weekend was a fantastic opportunity for the "regulars" to catch up after so long being apart, but also a great chance to meet the new members who had not yet had chance to attend an event such as this. Although I am not sure I got to spend equal amounts of time with everyone (due to being a cripple and recovering from alcohol abuse), I think I got to at least speak to and welcome everyone who came.

The feedback we received from all members was really positive. New members felt welcomed and included. I think the most common phrase I heard over the weekend was "I needed this". The chance to let your hair down, enjoy good food and good company was something that we all needed. As always I think I consumed a little too much alcohol, which was proven by my epic fall out of one marquee, through another, and ending up landing on the floor about 100 yards down the hill.

Once again, the ElgrandOC club stand was by far the best across the whole event. Marquee lit up like a Christmas tree, music going (until cut off), smoke machine, all members getting stuck in and socialising. A very very humbling sight on Saturday night when everyone had their indicators flashing across the whole venue. I took a step back and just watched our club stand and took a moment to just appreciate where ElgrandOC is now from where it started 7 years ago.

I think all of us who knew him, really missed Ellis. He was such a big part of our shows, especially this one where he performed for and with is all. His guitar, his singing, his jokes and his no bullshit Scottish demeanor... our events will never be the same without him again. Although we will do our best to honour his memory and keep events bouncing as he'd have wanted.

Belting out "ELLIS, ELLIS WHO THE F*CK IS ELLIS" across the valley was emotional.

A massive thank you to everyone who came along. The show would not be what it was without a single one of you. Every attendance is appreciated and I hope that you all felt as much a part of the community as you should.

Special shout outs go to:

@Cliff Goodwin - for (again) his exceptional cooking skills and ability to keep us all full to the brim
@LLGrandJ - for keeping us all entertained with music all weekend and evening DJ skills.
@Kenzie - for his non stop anecdotes and general overall helpfulness with absolutely everything and anything... including the 25l of petrol to keep the genny going
@Karlos - for being an absolute star and just always being in the right place at the right time to help

We also had a little inter-club competition which was judged for us by the team at Car Couture and Boosted Boutique. We had 3 prizes for Best E50, Best E51 and overall Best Elgrand. A round of applause to:

@Reverend RobP - Best E50
@Karlos - Best E51
@Oscpop - Best Elgrand

Now if @Winchester is reading through this thinking "what the fuck"... I'm getting to you now mate :D

So Winchester brought his stunning project Crazy88 along to Yakushi and entered into the show and shine award on Saturday. Most of you will have seen his project thread and know the work that has gone into this car. This year he's had the chance to unleash it on the world.
As he pulled up to the show on Friday night, I looked down the hill and was instantly belted in the face with jealousy. An absolutely incredible, stunning machine that just oozes charisma.
I was told by the judges before the awards "make sure you're all down here"...

At the award ceremony on Saturday he scooped not one, but TWO awards for his Elgrand... "Best ICE" and the creme de la creme... "Best in Show".

A massive testament to the amount of blood, sweat and tears that went into making this Elgrand exactly what it is. Not only does it stand out a mile in terms of aesthetics, everything has been done properly. Installation of all the equipment has been done to the highest standard and hidden out of sight.

There was a third award given to a member of our group... and that person was me. I got "mishap of the year award". Not I'd put this on Facebook, but hadn't had chance to put on the forum, but the weekend before Yakushi I used a scissor jack on Kumo to pain the rear drums. The scissor jack collapsed. Luckily, I was able to stop any real damage from occurring, but I did put my back out and stress myself out. So I got publicly shamed and was awarded with a trolley jack :joy:

A personal thank you from me to everyone who attended. I really needed that weekend. It was great to see so many people all having fun and socialising. Back to reality now though, but looking forward to Santa Pod in a few weeks :D

I made a couple of videos. One showing the Elgrand's on the stand, and a dedicated one for @Winchester's project Crazy88.


Many thanks for the very kind words, this is a club I really enjoy being part of.
I echo the thanks to all those who make these events happen… fantastic job, well done.
Gutted ours didn't arrive in time for this event. Looks like a stunning display with some top class vehicles 👍
Glad it went well, hope to be involved with the next one 😊
Gutted ours didn't arrive in time for this event. Looks like a stunning display with some top class vehicles 👍
Glad it went well, hope to be involved with the next one 😊
2 weeks time if your ready buddy