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What have you done to your Elgrand today?


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Thought I'd get this topic underway :)

It's quite popular on many car forums and is a nice way of highlighting something new you've done with your Elgrand be it a modification, a repair, general maintenance or just took her out for a great drive :)

Just add to the thread as and when.

Who will start us off? :)
Great idea Madfish :D

I realised that my speakers aren't up to spec, so need to get them replaced asap. But haven't actually done anything as of yet!
Today I finally got round to fitting the Vibe Blackair 6 Component speakers that I bought about a month ago. What a massive upgrade to sound quality :) Need some for the rears now :D
Rapperfrapper said:
I've fitted front door speakers too, I got some Alpine SXE-1725s( coaxial 2-way, 220w max. 40 w rms), and can highly recommend them, just got to get the courage to do the rears as its a more challenging job to do, as best to remove seats !!!!

I've just removed my 2-way Coaxials because they couldn't keep up with my sub in terms of quality and volume. I've heard good stuff about the Alpine kit, but never used it. I'd be interested to hear how they sound :)

I did the rear speakers with the help of Madfish not long after I got the van. Yes, it's more of a pain in the ass than the fronts, but it's more time consuming than anything else. I found replacing the door cards to be endlessly frustrating, where as doing the rears is just take off and put back together again.
Washed it :ugeek:
I've decided I'm going to remove the wind deflectors and stickerbomb them. Not actually done it yet, but watch this space ;)
headless said:
trouble with doing that dude is you are gonna have one huge blindspot with the screen pillar and the now not see through deflectors :thumbdown:

Aesthetics > Practicality :cool:
I've bought some autoglym HD wax, now just need an overcast day to apply it talking of which can anyone recommend a dual action polisher as need to get rid of some swirl marks?
Beastie said:
Time to fit new cabin filters and frames purchased from Young Imports!!! :thumbup:

Exciting, ain't it! :lol:

Can you pull a "how to" together for this, it's something I'd like to get done soon :thumbup:
Great stuff mate :D Will be good to get it done!
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