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North East Sunday North East meet.


Part of the furniture
Premium Member
North East
E51 Owner
Reaction score
Co. Durham
First Name
North East
Anyone interested in a meet this Sunday?

The Boat Shack
Pow Hill Country Park

Stick your name down

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Ahh I’m already booked up for this weekend or I would have been there
Yes mate, got the daughter staying with us but will bring her and possibly the dogs too
They do breakfasts from 10-11am 👀

shame I cannot get there as I am off camping in the dales, giving the van and awning it’s first proper test.

let me know for next local meet
@dognero are we knocking this on the head if there's no more interest?
I don't mind leaving it for another time when we can get more interested.
Sorry been at Rosedale camping so no signal for last 3 days, gutted.
We got the Elgrandfest coming next month 20th, 21st and 22nd.
I doubt that we will get the interest the following Sunday (last one of August) as it is a Bank Holiday weekend.

Looking at recent attempts to get a local meet I think North East definitely needs a kick start
sorry can`t make any weekends fully booked up for camping weakends the rest of the year
I’m opposite to @valk2 , I have most weekends free during school hols , then busy again
yeh i took a chance and booked up well in advance Thinking when it all eases the campsites would be full up
yeh i took a chance and booked up well in advance Thinking when it all eases the campsites would be full up
No I wanted to miss school hols , my kids are men , I like quieter 🙈🙈 ha ha