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South East Ockham Bites Cafe - GvJ meet - Sunday July 4th


The French Connection
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E51 Owner
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Rest Of World
I know we have yet to have the June meet, but @Bob Edwards suggested this gathering in the June thread, so maybe it would be a good idea to turn it into the South Coast Section July meeting and venture further afield again. Put you name here if you fancy it. Contact Bob for details.

Hi guys,
Unfortunately I can not make that date as I have a previous engagement elsewhere.
I would still want to meet all you guys at some stage .
All have a great time.
All the best on the day
no worries as yet its not till July it was suggested as a meet but its a german v jap meet so all sorts of german/jap cars vans
as it says on the tin ill be there my nipper in his golf wont he has been invited to a stag do in wales
😒can't do this one as away on holiday
It's coming home, it's coming home...
oops, wrong song...should be "I'll be there, I will be there"...
haha dave came and went nowhere to park i left at 11 it was ramed mostly bmws for german 350zs scoobies skylines one Elgrand well two if you count dave it was ok most liked my grand so had to make smoke as i left :innocent:
And no Mk1 Golfs?
yeah, sorry bout that Bob, tried to get in and also tried the slip by the A3 but it is only for HGVs.
two mk1s tin tops no Panza wagons and no worries dave like i say it was ramed :joy:
well after last months meet and today lets hope the next one is better today i think was the wrong venue very crowded and very clicky as it is an actual club meet for gvj so sorry for picking that poor old dave could not even park plus too much lycra from the few cyclists that did park up early i got there at 8.50 and queued on the a3 slip not good with the m25 traffic roaring past
We have Beaulieu at the end of the month which should be a good 'un. Could be a bon voyage Stempy party. Next meet after that will be a ferry ride.
papers in order then :cool: