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NEW FEATURE: Add Tables to posts`


The Boss
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North East
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North East
No, I do not mean Table in the sense of a piece of furniture that you can put your cuppa on... I mean a data table.

This suggestion was brought to me courtesy of @Shod who wants to be able to create a table of data that can be added to over time.

There is now a table button on the toolbar that will allow you to insert a table with a number of columns and a number of rows.


When you press the button, it will bring up some boxes underneath... the number of squares ACROSS that you select will be the number of COLUMNS in the table, and the number of squares down you select will be the number of ROWS.

For example 2 x 3 will be TWO ROWS and THREE COLUMNS.

This will allow some data to be given in a more user friendly format. I've used an example below, and added a little light humour ;)

Hope this helps with formatting some of the data we collate.



Rear Cats Removed


Head Unit Replaced


Admitting that E50 is better than E51

Hi @Karl Is there a way to copy and paste information in to the table from Excel, as I've tried it but it keeps putting all the info straight into the top left hand cell? Cheers, would be great if you could get that working, as it would save a lot of time copying and pasting, but cool either way :)
Doubt it mate, as it's just BB code, not an actual integration with a spreadsheet... the only way to get info in from Excel would be to paste a screenshot. I'll keep working on it and see if there is anything we can do about it. Excel is my life, so getting it to work with the forum would be a massive help!
Same here, I also use to track all my Elgrand costs, import, parts, fuel etc so it would be good but not essential :)