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London London (m25 reach) Meet?


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London UK
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Right before anyone gets excited - No sorry Im not arranging a meet (as im worried it will just be me on my own in a tesco car park with my bonnet propped up)

But I would like to touch on arranging something

I want to enjoy the Elgrand for the next few months and it would be great to talk to some of you chaps (socially distanced of course) rather than spending hours trawling through the forums and glued to my mobile (I think Im getting old) to grab some info on how to make the most of these under-rated beasts

Whats the score?
Is there anything already planned?

I can think of a few random spots we could get 5/10 elgrands parked up (along the A217 would be cool - but loud)
I had a meet arranged at The Ace Café but then pandemic.
Ah right. Just saw that titled in May.
What now? Another virtual meet :)
We have regular meets on the south coast but you may not want to venture that far.
I met a young chap not too long ago who told me there is a regular meet fri and sat night at lakeside for modded cars etc
Not sure how the elgrands would go down turning up to one of those though... Probably think we are a lost bunch... or them in 10 years time :D
All donuts and rev limiters.
We have regular meets on the south coast but you may not want to venture that far.
I also saw one of those threads and as amazing (genuinely) as it looks - I dont think it would be cost/time effective to attend (yup excuses excuses... )
You may want to hook up with the guys around the Bracknell area. There was a thread recently from someone up that way asking about a local meet.
Thanks for the tip - Ill get my yellow FUBU tracksuit ready
Actually, we only wear grey tracksuits with hoodies here in Bracknell.
To be fair Id probably fit in well if I got my badboy bonnet dream done (another Ali G reference). Chav culture aint all bad :D