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Fuse help?


Active Newbie
South East
E51 Owner
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South East
Hi guys, does anyone know what the two fuses, bottom left on the panel, says ACC, 15A each, are ? Translation appears to be floor motor?

I seem to have a battery drain and the reading across these points to this, but not sure what they go to… 🤔

Can anyone shed some light or have an idea what may be causing the drain?

p.s. brand new battery, no lights left on or anything else that appears to stay on.

p.p.s. I did try to post in technical but it won’t allow me to…

Have zoom around here...
Check for additional gizmos fitted by previous owners.
Check for additional gizmos fitted by previous owner will do but apart from a crappy radio, don't think there's anything else.
p.p.s. I did try to post in technical but it won’t allow me to…
The technical section is closed to new members until they have made 10 posts which you have now reached.
Thanks, I could not add photo
Upgrading to premium membership costs ÂŁ12 a year is the easiest way to post photos. You can also link to photos on sharing sites such as Dropbox, Google Drive/Photos and Imgur.