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North West Fresh year

Kenzie (Mary Poppins)

Here for life
Premium Member
North West
E51 Owner
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First Name
North West
As we are ending the year soon I'm looking on the positive side and hoping most of us can resume to some kind of normality i know it has been harder for some than others

I have had a quick look over the member map and tried to mark down as many people from northwest as possible if you are not in the North West or uninterested in monthly meet ups please let me know and il score you off my list like wise if you know I have missed anyone feel free to tag them in

Hears to a good new year and meeting new people

@Snoopy11 @lee1115 @Condense @KnightRider @korkythekat @Barrie thomas @jordano @MrGimlet @Highway Star Camper @Duvetman @SteveMercer @Mr B @john7 @AndyH @Northern Lights @Dave Marshall @John64 @ibebbs @johnl @DaveStix78 @Forrest @brent hayes @john brady @Ukpoppy @Bigdixin_Cider @Elicit Volt @Just Japanese @Weshamfylde @sherby @Stephen1979 @Valiant @Storm @Gwilo365 @Arran @Biffo @veiko @Kriss @Elgramps @Don1878 @LocoAz81 @Manchester Mod @cnaimhin @Rayvan @Bezzbailey @Curly59 @RudeDawgandDweebs
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Never no might get visitors from other areas depending where meetings are , my local one is nearly 50 miles away normally,
Never no might get visitors from other areas depending where meetings are , my local one is nearly 50 miles away normally,
Thats the idea 50 miles from me can get me pretty far in do depending on how many we get interested look at possible doing inter region gatherings
Prior to COVID I was looking at trying to organise something regularly at the Veterans Garage in Barton.
We met there once end of 2019 but obviously couldn’t pick it up again in spring. If Boris let’s us all play out again I’m happy to plan this again.
Pfffft, Northerners thinking they are better than Southerners and being Elitist, next they'll be hanging Monkeys in Hartlepool............

Your invited to can get somecreal fish n chips
Pfffft, Northerners thinking they are better than Southerners and being Elitist, next they'll be hanging Monkeys in Hartlepool............

No ones being elitest. There are always regional meets going on, all over the country. As well as the bigger meets/shows where we all meet up together.
I live in the SE but I am in the NW on a regular basis and would be interested.
Just on the borderline of the 50 miles here, we might be interested in coming to a meet mate @Kenzie