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ElgrandOC Mobile App?


The Boss
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North East
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North East
Well, today I have been looking into a Mobile App solution for the forum... The app is currently being created and I've signed up to a free 7 day demo. I'll rigorously test it as much as I can and then make an informed decision at the end of the trial to see whether to pay for it or not.

Watch this space... I know it's been a long time coming.
Well, today I have been looking into a Mobile App solution for the forum... The app is currently being created and I've signed up to a free 7 day demo. I'll rigorously test it as much as I can and then make an informed decision at the end of the trial to see whether to pay for it or not.

Watch this space... I know it's been a long time coming.

Sign me up and take my money too!!

If it works ok ;)
Yup - both android and apple apps will be available, but it's €29 a month... so a big commitment.
Not a big commitment if the cost is spread through the club! You can't be expected to provide and pay for it!
Out of curiosity how many members are there?
Nearly 1000 members and over 100 are paid up premium members I believe...

Be interesting to try the mobile app although I've had no bother using the full forum via my phone (in fact it's the only way I access it)
WOW! No wonder I keep seeing more and more elgrands 1000 members!!!
The forum does work really well and I also have no problem using it but I'm guessing there will be others that would prefer it and with that many members there should be no problem covering the cost
I don't understand why it's worth paying out for a custom solution when there are off the shelf forum mobile apps available, personally I think the mobile version of the website works just fine as it is any way.
I think that if a yearly subscription of £15 was applied then that would be a fair price.
And with the development going into the forum constantly and equipment for meets the value is there to warrant it.
I don't understand why it's worth paying out for a custom solution when there are off the shelf forum mobile apps available, personally I think the mobile version of the website works just fine as it is any way.

Off the shelf? Like tapatalk? I tried it and it slowed everything down and didn't work well at all. Are there other solutions?

The aim of it is to get something that gives notifications to people and makes using the forum easier. Facebook is so quick and easy to use that people prefer it than using the forum for sharing pics etc.

I want something user friendly, quick to load and provides the much needed push notifications to users.
TAPATALK! I've tried it out on my Android tablet and Android phones several times and always uninstall in after a week or two. I'm sure it works fine from the user perspective but I've never bothered to invest the time in 'learning' another app when straight browser access works just fine:)
Tapatalk (crapatalk) has been tried and was on the whole, rubbish.

It caused problems with the forum and was limited in its use.

I, like you, access the forum via a mobile and just use the full desktop version of the site with no issues.

I think a lot does depend on which browser you choose to use on your phone... It can make a big difference to the experience.

I've tried a lot on my android device and for me Opera offers the best and most desktop like experience
Yeah, tapatalk slowed everything down as it was constantly communicating with the server and caused endless problems for me. It was handy though as people could upload pics etc using the app, but it took so long to do anything that people stopped using it.

I think you have to pay for it to get good service, the free one which I used was just shit.
Could maybe help resurrect this idea as I work in tech. So it's an off the shelf solution you're after, not a bespoke app developed for this forum (which would work but costs, well, lots)?
Could maybe help resurrect this idea as I work in tech. So it's an off the shelf solution you're after, not a bespoke app developed for this forum (which would work but costs, well, lots)?
It's not something we are currently looking into as mobile browsers have come a long way since this was last brought up and with push notifications being able to be sent straight to a phone for users who opted to have them at this point it would not be something we would be looking at doing.

But we will keep you in mind if that changes as we have just moved to a new server platform so I guess you never know.
In most circumstances mobile access is for a quick read / response / update. Emails I get via Google are fine. However, if I really need to type something, then it is pc /laptop a proper keyboard and ability to copy/paste, refer to other posts websites etc etc.

As some have already commented crapatalk is not the best and prone to not working, slowness and yes, I take a look with one forum then remove it.

I'm not sure if anyone uses Slack where they work, but i had wondered if it was the future of forum type 'discussions' Some companies are already moving away from email and onto Slack.
At the moment I don't think an app would be benifical to most, as most people use a browser on the phone or tablet or desktop to use and enter the site which is great, and I have no problems In doing it this way as with most people I would guess.
Would it put people off if you have to pay for the app.
Well, today I have been looking into a Mobile App solution for the forum... The app is currently being created and I've signed up to a free 7 day demo. I'll rigorously test it as much as I can and then make an informed decision at the end of the trial to see whether to pay for it or not.

Watch this space... I know it's been a long time coming.
brilliant idea, sign me up