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South East Brands Hatch Go Japan! 13th September


The French Connection
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I think it's the same weekend as Yakushi but I might be interested as it's on the Sunday

I think we'll struggle to get a club stand, same reasons as JAE, there won't be any reps going, as they'll all be at Yakushi.

But we could all still go, just like a normal South East meet but with some smaller and possibly louder JDM candy to look at too :) :)

Edit: 6th April - Not going now
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yes just seen they clash :rolleyes: think it might go the way of the brighton area get together :( and its a lot to get in on a sunday so value for money :cool:
Yes, I knew it clashed with Yakushi so will have to be a South East unofficial meet. Suits me as I prefer the one day jobs. Feelers are now out though so we could maybe organise a roll in if enough are interested.
about thirty on the members map thats not including inside the m25 😲
I'll book a ticket to see how easy a procedure is, and then go from there, we might just be out in the car park somewhere but i'm good with that too, lol
I'll book a ticket to see how easy a procedure is, and then go from there, we might just be out in the car park somewhere but i'm good with that too, lol
We could all park in a circle like the wild west wagon trains and light a fire in the middle.
Done, that was easy, hardest thing was thinking of a new password for the account, lol

@Stempyuno Might be worth adding the date to the title, good work on posting :)
Already done mate.
yep good one ill put it on my calendar as castle coombe is just before my holiday and brandshatch will be just after so i ether spend holiday money at castle coombe and get killed or do brands and be broke and killed :joy::joy::joy::joy:
Go Japan! brings together healthy and vibrant Japanese car, motorcycle, racing and tuning enthusiasts to merge them with many different cultural elements of Japan - from tasty food, hobbist and interest groups to Cosplay, live stage music and SO MUCH more.
If its Japanese you'll find it at Go Japan!
Held in association with Brands Hatch it is a major annual highlight event of summer​

Doh, they spelled 'Hobbyist' wrong, now I'm thinking of biscuits, lol
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Message @Karl if you want a roll call sent out to all south east area members
I'd not mentioned about the roll call though. I'll do that now :)