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E51 Owner
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Notts / Derby border area.
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We have a club stand in the pits area at Santa Pod for The Jap Show Finale this year.​
(I have been assured by the organisers that we will be given a larger stand than at the earlier show this year).
Santa Pod is the number 1 FIA Drag Race strip in the UK where 300 mph dragsters run side by side.
The Jap Show is a Japanese only meeting with all the follwing going off and loads going off for the kids as well.
Show Stands of all the major Japanise UK Clubs.

Run What You Brung where if you want you can take your Elgrand down the strip for £20 for 4 runs
Trade Stalls
Fun Fair
Stunt Shows
Runs from competitors in the FWD Drag Racing Series
Drift Cars
Live Stage
Bars and Caterers

The venue is open both Saturday and Sunday and for those of you wanting to make a weekend of it free camping is available with entertainment and a bar on the Saturday evening.

Prices are as follows
Sunday Only £12.50 per Adult. Kids under 13 free.
Weekend Tickets £20.50 per Adult. Kids under 13 free. Free Saturday night camping.
(Please note we only have spaces for 10 Elgrands at this show so get in quick)

If you want to go to this busy lively event please let me know here and i will add you to the list.

1)- BMR. (2 adults Sunday £25.00. PAID)
2)- Mark Willmore (2 adults, Weekend £42.00 PAID)
3)- Christina (1 adult Sunday £12.50 PAID)
4)- Emanueld1 ( 2 adults, 2 kids, Sunday £25.00 PAID)
5)- Simon (3 adults, Sunday £37.50 PAID)
6)- Kata Pettugani (3 adults, Sunday £37.50 PAID)
7)- Colin Price (2 adults, Sunday £25.00 PAID)
8)- Paul Meredith (2 adults, Weekend £42.00 PAID)
9)- Barry Lui (3 adults, Sunday. £37.50 PAID)
10)- Stephen Diwell (Sunday. Paying on the gate)
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stick me down don't know who will be coming with me yet
We have a club stand in the pits area at Santa Pod for The Jap Show Finale this year.​
(I have been assured by the organisers that we will be given a larger stand than at the earlier show this year).
Santa Pod is the number 1 FIA Drag Race strip in the UK where 300 mph dragsters run side by side.
The Jap Show is a Japanese only meeting with all the follwing going off and loads going off for the kids as well.
Show Stands of all the major Japanise UK Clubs.

Run What You Brung where if you want you can take your Elgrand down the strip for £20 for 4 runs
Trade Stalls
Fun Fair
Stunt Shows
Runs from competitors in the FWD Drag Racing Series
Drift Cars
Live Stage
Bars and Caterers

The venue is open both Saturday and Sunday and for those of you wanting to make a weekend of it free camping is available with entertainment and a bar on the Saturday evening.

Prices are as follows
Sunday Only £12.50 per Adult. Kids under 13 free.
Weekend Tickets £20.50 per Adult. Kids under 13 free. Free Saturday night camping.
(Please note we only have spaces for 10 Elgrands at this show so get in quick)

If you want to go to this busy lively event please let me know here and i will add you to the list.

1)- BMR.
hi Brian
put me down for Sunday
Dan is also coming but he's on the evo stand. let me know when you want my payment

thanks Chris
Hi Brian can you put my name down please
Hi is there any space left I was on here b4 but is seems like my account was deleted and I never received a request for payment still really want to be there cheers
We have a club stand in the pits area at Santa Pod for The Jap Show Finale this year.​
(I have been assured by the organisers that we will be given a larger stand than at the earlier show this year).
Santa Pod is the number 1 FIA Drag Race strip in the UK where 300 mph dragsters run side by side.
The Jap Show is a Japanese only meeting with all the follwing going off and loads going off for the kids as well.
Show Stands of all the major Japanise UK Clubs.

Run What You Brung where if you want you can take your Elgrand down the strip for £20 for 4 runs
Trade Stalls
Fun Fair
Stunt Shows
Runs from competitors in the FWD Drag Racing Series
Drift Cars
Live Stage
Bars and Caterers

The venue is open both Saturday and Sunday and for those of you wanting to make a weekend of it free camping is available with entertainment and a bar on the Saturday evening.

Prices are as follows
Sunday Only £12.50 per Adult. Kids under 13 free.
Weekend Tickets £20.50 per Adult. Kids under 13 free. Free Saturday night camping.
(Please note we only have spaces for 10 Elgrands at this show so get in quick)

If you want to go to this busy lively event please let me know here and i will add you to the list.

1)- BMR. (2 adults Sunday £25.00. PAID)
2)- Mark Willmore (2 adults, Weekend £42.00 PAID)
3)- Christina (1 adult Sunday £12.50 PAID)
4)- Emanueld1 ( 2 adults, 2 kids, Sunday £25.00 PAID)
5)- Simon (3 adults, Sunday £37.50 PAID)
6)- Kata Pettugani (3 adults, Sunday £37.50 PAID)
7)- Colin Price (2 adults, Sunday £25.00 PAID)
8)- Paul Meredith (2 adults, Weekend £42.00 PAID)
9)- Barry Lui (3 adults, Sunday. £37.50 PAID)
Hi Stephen, I have just phoned Santa Pod up about some more tickets and unfortunately the discounted price ended Friday, we do have space on the stand for your Elgrand but you will have to pay on the gate to get in. I have a car hanger available which you will need to get entry to the pits area where all the car clubs are and we usually meet up at Podington Garden Centre at 9.00am where I pass out the sunday car admission hangers, please confirm this is ok with you.
Hi Stephen, I have just phoned Santa Pod up about some more tickets and unfortunately the discounted price ended Friday, we do have space on the stand for your Elgrand but you will have to pay on the gate to get in. I have a car hanger available which you will need to get entry to the pits area where all the car clubs are and we usually meet up at Podington Garden Centre at 9.00am where I pass out the sunday car admission hangers, please confirm this is ok with you.
Yes that would be great I will be there Sunday 9am sharp and pay on gate will be fine many thanks
OK guys, to all of you going for just the Sunday, I have today cleared it with the manager of a garden centre close to Santa Pod, can we all meet up at
Podington Garden Centre 9.00am (post code NN29 7HS)
where I will hand out your car pass to get into the pits area show stand and your adult tickets to get through the gates. We will be setting off from the garden centre as soon as we can before 9.30. Lets hope we have a good day for it. See you Sunday.
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